장음표시 사용
ient of the severa Chapter in the Book of
18 At Shi obis the Tabernacle, and
Bylotthe do divide therest 6 lane,
Briefly the benefits of thei God describes, God mutua foedemith themine calis to minde, Lastly his Age, Death, Buria here)Ou inde.
Logico- theologica Analysis, of the Book of
TH Book of udges containe thecause of the calamities of the childreno Israel, hicli as sin and that both universat and Spectat. I. Universat, committed by at the Tribes, hereosweread both the hinde and the effectsi
T . his inormip, hap. 2. The effect whicli ere severa oppression and miseries,
thei Deli verer, or this oppression thecause an effect were the Aposta sileand Repentanceis Urael, hap. IO. there med was
libe Ephraimites, where ei aVethe lis of three Judges,ctap. 2. The Philistines, Samiis being their
Deli verer se his arenis and Birili chap. 13. marri age, M'. Iq. acts against the Philistines, chap. I. anners, Ortune and death cliap. Io.
parations uncertain Venis, chap. 2O.
and the restoring of the tribe of Ben
tent of the severa Chaptersis the Book of
Some com ret, he return a sacrifice, And Sampson 's bornanon to victorita.
And punim them that did this Wichia deed. a The Levite dravis his Bill, and Benjamin Though uilty figlit, and tWice the Battei Winne, At last they sessi se this grievous sinne.
A Logico-theologica Analysis, of the Book of
The Celebration and Fruit, hap. q.
A Logico-theological Analysis, of the sirst Book of
of the Κing of IsraeLI. OfJudge Samuel, and of Birili or Nativity, chap. I. Education in the Tabernacle,cb.2. Calling to the office of a Prophet, Prophecies sulfilled. both in respectis the destructionis Priest, Alis and People, eh. q. and the Philistines punishedio the Arhs saxe, whicli the had taken 'L3.a also the restoring of the Arh. h. 6. Administration or Government both in Warre an Peace,
Saul. See concerning him. O lection, here . He is called, chap. 9. 2. Installed, both privately and publickly, chap. O. 3. Confirmed both by the consent and ath of de eople, chap. II. and the Resignation of , Samuel, chap. I 2. Π, Reiectio sor three causes. I. His Dissidence in figlitin against the Amalehites, hap. 3. et Ramnesse in Mearing chap. q. 3. Disobedience inculting of the Amalehites