장음표시 사용
Hic Laberi cui titulus, Pharin coloria Gllegii Ergalis Medie rum Londisii tuis. Datum ex radibus Collegii in Comitiis cens iis Iunii Men sis 26to..t 809
that tho said President and College have. with great care, Pains, and uadustry, revisod, corrected, and reformed a book by them sol meri y publist d, infitialed Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis, Prescribing and directing the maniter os preparing nil foris Os m dicines therein contained, togothor with the truo weighis and mensures by Whicli they ouillit to ho mado: which book is now persected and ready to be published, urid, it is conceived, vili contributo to the public good os His Majesty's Subjecis, by preventingalldeceius, dii serences, and uncertainties in makingor comPound ing of medicine, is sor the suture, the maniter and mi in proscribed therein should be practi senbu Apothecaries and othors in their compositioris os medicines : Tho Μemorialist theresore most humbly prays, that His Mabesty Wiu be gracimoly Dieased to ensorce the observance thereos in such manner as to His ΜMestys hali seom meet: -His Majesty this day took the said memorial into HisFoyal Consideration, and being destrous to provide in ali cases for the common eood of his Deople, and heing persuaded that the establishmg the generat use of the said book may tend to the provention os such decet uintho making and compotanding os medicines, Wheroin the livos and lienith os uis Maiestu's Subjecis are so hight y concern , hath theresole thought fit, y nd wio the advice of His Privv Co incit, hereby to noli sy to an Apothecarand others concerned, to the intent thoy may not pretend ignorat Cethereos that the said book called Pharmacopoeia Collim 'edicorum Dei sected and ready to bo publisbed: and His ΜMesty dotiit heresore strict y require, charge and cominand nil and nnd others whose businossitis to compound medicines, or distit orisor vatoror mahe ocer extracis, with in any part os His ΜMesty's kingdom oi Great Britain called England, dominion os Wales, or town Osthat theu' and every os them. immediatoly aster the said M-
tion os somelearned Physiolan in that bellati. Aiad His
ri elice to be ilsetat attendanis iapon former editions of the London Pharmacopoeia, both sorthe purpose of facilitating and extending an aequaintance With iis procesSes, and of conveying additional information upon many potnis Whicli are not considered in the brevi ty of the original Work. That of the ycar l745 wasthus gi ven to the public by Dr. Pember ton, that os l787 by Dr. FIealde, and the Presidentand Committoe have done me the favo ur to delegate tho present edition to me. I purpose, ille refore, as a preface to this part of the xvork, . to Staio the method employed by the College in
PREFACEcompilisag it, and the generat alterations whicli it
has been jud ged proper to naalle; and also to e pla in the additionat matter v hicli I have introduced under the forna of Notes. The sit si Pla armacopoeia, whi Cli is recorde lio have received the stam p of any publicauthori ty, vas that of Valerius Cordus, Sanctioned by the senate of Nurem burg in I 542; Since whi Cli time, on account of the facilities
and ad vani ages they afford in the practice of medicine, they have been large ly multiplied in ali the countries of Europe. The charteros Henry VIII. Whicli si si incorporaled the London College of Physicians, bears date inlot', and they publislied ille ir srst Pliari na- copoeia in l6l8. Since that period vario usrevisions have tali en place in the folio vin g
Edimus jam secundo partu, secundo magis eventu, Pharmacopoeiaria Londinenses n. A inquam) edimus, nam priorem illam informem, deformem, festinans typographus dicemus edidit Z immo verius protrusit in lucem. Sicut caloret cestuans jecur, crudum adhuc alimentum avid1 quidam fame rapit a ventriculo: sic ille e manibus nostris hoc opua inculum adhuc impolitum surripuit, inconsulto, immo tuncnbgenie Praeside et procul ab urbe avocato, qui illi limando, poliendoque potissimum invigilavit. Qui post reditum indignes una illud tot mendi. Sc erroribus conspurcatum. tot detruΩ-