장음표시 사용
they are pro parcit rather by confectioners thau apothecaries, and are chie fly directed i y the prejudices of Hic patient; they rarely malae a part of the prescription os a physician, and
forna moreo ver a most indesinite and uncertarii
modo os administering any active modicine. Although the omissions a re numeroUS, theintroductions very nearly keep pace With them; and although sonae dissere iaces of opinion may pelli aps exist respecting a sexu individual articles, they Will bu found upon the whole to addes sectu alty to the Convenience and means of the practitioner. Perhaps it may be thought that
in sonae instances, there has been too much Caution used in the omission of var ous articles of modern and restaec table recommendation ; andon this head considerable diis culties have in iaci occurre l. There is nothing more fallaci-ous ilian the judgment anil ex id iace of inii viduals upon the medicat pia vers substances towllicli they a re attacla ed in ille ir own practi Ce; and co jud ge frona tiae variolas monographs iapo Asuch subjecis, Which have been published at disserent times, it Would be boli eved that spo- Ciso remedies exist for e very disease, ut illi it istha tot of man to sumor; and illat by the em ployment of a se in simple arti Cles only, humau
PREFACElise might be prolonged accor ling to the willos iis possessor. The College, While they have
seli iliis disti cui ty, have at the fame time Cn- leavoured to obvia te it for the future, and havelaid the foundation sor an essective investigation of the po vers of those substances Whicli ares rona time to time recommended by individu-
ais, by appotiating a large Committee frona theiro vii body, of those, Whose public sit uations give them the means of en quiry, for this express Purpose, and requiring that their reporistitiali be agreed upon by the ma jori ty, and nutconvey the opinion os an indi vidual only. It is theres ore to he hoped, that any future addition to the Catalogue may stand upon a sit merand more distinct basis than heretos ore. The fui ther ina provenient of the Pharmaco poeta may also beri X pected from a more intimate acquaintance Willi the characters of thos articles Whieli forin the Materia Medica. Thisan formation 8Cai Cely occupies, in the medicate dii Cation of the present day, ille rank whichiis importance demand S, and , Comparati 'elyspea in g, may be considered to be rather u ponthe decline. The Colloge Will hereas ter be en- abled to promotu anti extemi this branch oiknowlud ge by the liberali ty and public spiritos Alr. Brande, Who has very late ly presente lto the in the uni lite and ed tensive collection
precision havo been looked to rather ilian elegarice of stile, and Celsus and Pli ny laave been
Considered as ample authorities for the Construction Os a modern Pharmacopoeia. Fromany apolo , bo ever, for the aut horities v hic hi avo regulatuit the Latini ty of the body of the Work, the pure and elexant Preface, whicli is the Composition of the Prosident, may salsely be
Having spolie thus at large iapon the Composition of the originat work. it Uilt be omeme to speah brie ly of the translation Whicli isnow offereti to the public. The texi has been rendered clos et v, but, Ι hope, intelligibly toali; is it be so, no hi glier merit can be Clai med sor it; anti fui ther ilian this, I have not in truthbeen an Xious as to the language in Whicli it is clothed. In the botanical part of the cat logue I have ad leti the ordinary nam es instead os anglicising the systemati C Ones, and for these I laave gone to es tablished wortis, to Smitti s Flora Britannica for those Whicli arethe produce of Our oWn Country, and to Martyri's edition of Millei 's Gai deners Dictionarysor the re mainder. Butias generi C and spe- Cisic names Only are gi ven in the Catalogue,
tarum os Lin meus may not be accessi bie to authose into wliose hands this Nork may Iall, I have attempted a translation of his essenii ni genericand speci lic characters also, Whicli, Wi h Someother particulars, i nove thrown into alphabetical oidor, and ad ded in the Appondix. Thistranslation has been mado in con irini tu, sorthe most pari, With Prosessor Martyn's Languageos Bolany Lond. l807 . In the notes Whichare subjoine i in a sma er character to the Seve-yal preparations, I have put togethor sucti additional information relative to the subject asseemed to me important io bu known in thost op of the apothecary. I have, in most in-Stan CeS, en dea oured also to state the clites rea- sons Which have led to the severat changes madein the texi frona the sorinor Pharmacopoeia. Thismay be imperfeci ly done, and I must tali e theimpei sections, supti as thCy are, UPOn my OWnli 0ad; in them the Col lege Can have no Share, norcan thoy be binmed for their determinations, iiDyreason 8 Shali appear insulii Cient. Ιhavet aliena large portiori of the mechanical part of the Work upon myself, and I have not been absentduring the wholo period frona a single meet ingconnected with it; I have arranged the coiresponde iace received during iis progress, and altogether, theres ore, may not be Wholly in ade litate to the commentary I have undet talien . To each aiet ille I have added the synonym of
attention to the subjeci enabies me to bear Rmplo testimo F.
I may be thought by sonae not to have patitdue attention, or made sum cient comparative
references, to the Edinburgh and Dublin Pharmacopoeia ; a ne v edition of the formur ofWhicli appearcii in l805, and of the. lalter in I 807. This has not arisen noui an V Want of respe Ct or acimi: ation on my patet of the wortis alluded to, the merit of whicli I most readi lyacknowledge ; but for the purpose of auoi lingConfusion, Whicli Ι have scen happen again and again froin the incorporation of three Pharmacopoeiar into One Work. I have professed toti anfla e the London Pharmacopoeia, not ei ther the Edinburgh or ille Dublin; these may be. Consula est in Dr. Ancire u Dunean's Edinburgh New Dispensatory, though I cannot but Wish, whilo I na alie illis refero iace, that he had giveneaeli separalely, rather than incorporaled ille m
PREFACEMith one other; in trulli the errors I have mentioned as arising fio m this Sotirce, give an additional reason in favo ur of the idea os a nationat Pharmacopoeia. I have ab stat ned frona assiving to the severat articles their medicat virities; or the Cases in Which they are more particularly exhibit d, bccause directions of this sori are scarcely Within the province of a Pharmacopoeia, and to be done satisfactori ly, they Uould occupy too mulli room : I have thought, the refore, that to omit illem entire ly, Was bet ter than to give them imperfeci ly. For the sanae reason Ι have not gi ven any history or character of the articles in the catalogueos Materia Medica; the Works I would at present recommend to the student upon this subjeci, a re Athin's edition of Lewis 's Experiment ni
and Murrab 's Apparatus Medicaminum Gotting. 3776); and is I ever complete the work towhicli I have be re allud ed, a Correct descrip tion of the articles of Materia Medica xvili forma principat seature in it. It will explain sonae Seeming inaccuracies in
the references to the Pharmacopoeia os l787, is I mention that successive editions have varie lsonae vitat from each other, and that urifortunately they have been Coni unded together. The quarto and the sit si duodecimo agree to-gether; an Octavo was alterWarils publisti d
v illi alterations, and a duodecimo since Withmore alterations stili, and these can only bedistinguished by looking for sonae known potiatos dissererice bet Neen them in the body of the
A foru tables are ad ded in the Appendix, whicli I thin k Will prove useful as reseren COS. In one of these the prosody of the ternas is mari ed, and the two extremes of the usualdoses for adullsare attempted to be est ablished. Any sucii attempt must, ho ever, be Vague anilim perfeci; the doses must vary es Sentialty ac- cord inglo the effect intended to be produced, and the idiosyncracy of the patient; so that atable of this kind will only save the uninstructed frona any manifest error, not in forna the es tablished practitioner; and in sonae instanceS, Whenthey are influenced by bulli rather than medicat PO Ver, may Seem, perhaps, to be fixod very in- Correctly. It differs in very se N potnis fronta similar table astixed by Dr. Latham to the later editions of Dr. IIealde's Pharmacopoeia, and those deviations are founded ut on actualeXperie iace. The remaining tables require no
I he original Work Will of course bucome thesubject of variotis opinio ras, and the translationwill follo Q the fate of iis parent, Wiailst, on iis
xxx PREFACE TO THE TRANSLATION Severe stea dily in What I conceive to be thepath of my public duty, turning nei thur to theright nor the lest, and with an earnest gealto contribute to the ad an Cement of a profession to whicli I ani bound by inclination as wellas gratitude. Perhaps I may err in judgment, I may be deficient in abili ty, or somelimes inattention; and I shali v illi agly and thani fullysubmit myself to Correction and in Sila CDon, cspecialty is by their means I shail be enabledii eruaster to render this translation more generat ly uses l. R. POM EI L.
secor ut Edition os the Trausiarion os ille Pharinacopoeia soonor th'n I eXpected, and Sooner,also, thpn I wished. The Pharmacopoeia itself Will probably produce sonae disereiace of opinion, anci Wili besubjected with in a stiori time to an abundan Ceos observations; of the e I di l hope to be ab leto talae ad vantage, and to Inve had sum cient time allowed me to ino disy this translation a Coici ingly, SO as ei ther to ex renii or Contraci myexplanations as any fair and liberal criticismmight demonstrate to ui y minit to be necessary. This, hori ever, has not been the Case, and have in the present edition ora ly endeat oured
to corroci the errors of the sormer, to collate itin ore minutoly Willi the original, to alter sonae few of the notes Whicli I thought I could ii n- provo, anil also to adit sonae mattei whicli is
It would, hoWever, be ui justio the purcia aseis of the former edition to allow them to retaintlieir copius without supplying to them themeans of correcting in accuracies therein, although any such Would be readi ly potnted out by comparison with the originat work Whichthis translation is intended to accompany, notio supersede . A list therei ore of suci, alterations as must necessari ly be made is printed io illaeir use, and will be supplied to them gratuitoiasty through the medium of their bookselle I S.
severat communications relative to this translation, and I do it with uias ei quid gratitude, be- cause they have assisted me in the great oliuectio Whicli I look; and the writers of them Will