The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1809년

분량: 511페이지


분류: 미분류



Acidum Murtificum, Ρ. L. 1787. Spiritus Salis marini Glauberi, P. L. II 65. Spiritus Salis, P. L. I 720.

This process differs froin the former in some practical Potnis. The proportion os sulphuric acid requisite for thecomplete decomposition of the sali is as 3 to 4, and as thelast portions os muriatic acid adhere more stron V, so dothey require for their delachment that the temperatureshould be considerably increase l. Is sulphuric acid, undi-luted, be added to muriate of soda, there is an immediate and


unmanagoable extrication os muriatic acid gas, and to prevent this, a dilutiora of he sulphuric acid vitii orae third of water, allowingsucti mixtureto remaintili iis increased temperature besunlato the common standar l, is previousty directed. Ιf the wholecharge of acto, Water, and salt be introduced in o the retori, the frsi subsequent application of heat delaches muriatic acidgas Without a Suisicient quantity of Water to condense it, and a portion in t ais Way pa9ses io Waste. By introducing some of the water into the recei .er this gas is condensed, and the produci is in the fame proportion Stronger. For the Condensation of the whole muriatic acid gas a certain quantity of Water is necessary, and, in addition to that whichis here directed to be υ sed, the quantity also contained in the crystals of the sali is to be talaen in to the account; for thesecrystals are only to be drieli, not decrepitate J. The purest muriate of soda Will be Dund to be that whicli is called in trade by the nante of b sall. A tubulated receis er Withan attachen botile containing the water, or any modificationos Woulla's apparatus, may be used at the pleasure or convenience of the operator, but suci1 is not directed in the Phar

eient, is care be taken not to lute them closely untii ali thecommon air be first expelled. By the previ ous dilution of the sulphuric acid the charge Will be Eept in a quiescent state untii the application of heat be made, and thus time Willbe given to the operator sor the adaptation of the receiver. The addition of the sali to the acid is also os un- portance, because it prevenis the chance of any subsequent accident to the retort. The Charge Should not occupy morethan half the body of the retori, and as it is os importanceto preserve the vesset, it may be proper to adit, that this may perhaps best be done when iis contenis have cootest to a ut 2l2', by pouring in sussicient Water at the fame temperatureto fili it. The residue is sulphate of soda, With a Super-


abundante os sulphurie acid, and is farther to be prepare laccording to the directions gi ven for that sali. The specificgravi ty may be thought to be placed too toxv, but it is theresult of severat triais, and cannot be hept higher under theusual circumstances of temperature. It is colourless, ormore commonly has a pale yello tinge. It has been sup- posed by sonae, ibat is the sali Was dried the acid would uniformly be colourless; this hoWever is not the case, as the colour invariably arises Dom iron. Is it contain anu suuphuric acid it may be discovered by muriate of barytes, and purified thereisom, is sucia purification be thought necessary, by a second distillation frona a sinali quantity of muriate of soda.


Adidum nisi sum, P. L. 178I. Spiritus Nitri Glaubori. Aqua fortis, P. L. II 5. Aqua fortis simplex & duplex, P. L1720.

Mix them in a glass retori, then distit themtrae acid in a Sarid bath, i intit a red vapo uraΠSes: lustly, having ad ded to the acid si si distilled an ounce more of dry nitrate Ofpotass, disti l the nitrio ac id again in asimilarmanii et .



o unco dilutod with water ought to dissolveos a lumi) of lime sto ne immersed there in

The proportion os sulphuric acid here given is much largerthan what has been usualty employed, though authors limehereto re varied much in the proportions they have directed, and Frederic Hos an used equat paris of the sali and acid. The increase has been made chiefly witti a view to obtain thonitric acid as Dee as possibie Dom nitrous gas; and whenthis arises, whicli is discoverable by the red colour it imparis to the acid, the process is to be stopped. The quantity of acidibus obtained is greater in iis value than where half the weight only of sulphuric acid is used; iis colour is alio mucti pater, and it is there re better nitric acid, but it may perhapsbe considered as tess pure, hecause it is more likely to contain sulphuric acicu and on this account a second distillationfrom a Desii portion of nitre is directed. The nitric acid is commonly prepared by heating the coloured acid untii the red

a procesS not Only nitrous gas but a large proportion of the acid itself passes to xvaste. Is any sulphuric acid be present, nitrate os silver Will discover it, and is added in sufficient quantity, Will also remove it; but after the second distillationsuch an impuri ty is not to be expected. A tubulated receiverand attached vesset, hept cold by immersion in Water or ice,

or Woulla's apparatus, may be used. Nitric acid, is pure, is transparent and almost colourless, butit is more commonly orange-coloured, Dona the presence of nitrous gas. In the former state of these it emits White sumes, in the lalter orange-coloured ones: it tinges the cuticle ofa permanent yellom colour, and ii sussiciently long applied


corrodes the flain iiself as a caustic. The specisc gravityis Maled to be I,500, whicli is loWer than sonae authors have given it. The Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia malaes it l,550, and Mr. Κirsan at 60', I, 5543, and at this he considers 100 pis. to contain 73,51 of real acid Deo Dom mater. The reason for the adoption of these proportions fornitric acid is expressed in the folloWing repori made to the College.

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When the proportions mere 6 nitre and 3 sulphuric acidthere remat ned no redundant acid.



Acidum nitrosum dilutum, P. L. 1787.

Tahe of Nitrio Acid, a fluido urice.




Auidum vitriolici dilutum, P. L. II 87. Spiritus vitrioli tenuis, P. L. II 15.

Add the Acid to the Water gradu ally, and

mi X. This mixture mill be more conveniently made, and iis dose more east ly apportione d than the former One. The diluted acids are intended for the purpose of internat administration, and more conu nient anu certam division of the dose. One ounce of sulphuric acid, by measure, is equalto II dr. 1 scr. by weight. One fluidounce of this diluteuacid Will saturate about I 07 grs. of dried subcarbonate offoda; and it is in strengin to the admixture of one olance acid, 6 Geight, and eight Water used in the former Pharmacopoeia as about I 39 to IO0. Each fluidounce contains 45 minims ofacid. Sulphuric acid diluted with one-third of 1ts weight ofWater ceaSes to give out heat on the sarther addition of


ALI ALIA, et eorum SALES.



Ammonia praeparata, ni cornu ceret i, P. L. 1787. Sal volatilis salis ammoniaci, P. L. II 45. Sal volatilis, P. L. 1720.

In illis process a doubie decompositiou takes place, and tWo New Compounds, carbonate os ammonia and muriate oflime, are formed. I o effect this, a high temperature, as hereeXpressed, becomes requisite, and the employment also os asultable additional apparatus hept at a low one for the collection and condensation of the sublimed sali; for Which lalter purpose a Wide molithed glass retori and receiver Will anSκω, care being taken that it is never completely closed. Davystates the relative proportions os constituent paris of the compounds of carbonic acid and ammonia to vary accord-


more acid and water, in Ligh ones more alliati. Bergmangives the proportions as carboni C acid 45, ammonia 43, wateri 2 ; and prepared according to the present directions, it is, in faci, a subcarbonate of ammonia ; when sublimed, it formsa calae os striated crystalline appearance, Smelling strongly of ammonia , when heated it melis Dom the quantity of watercontained, becomes dry as this evaporates, and at last sublimesentirely away unaltered. Two paris of cold water dissolveone of this sali, bolling water dissolves more than iis meight. In the former Pharmacopoeia, the fame sali Was also prepared by distillation froni bones, purified by repented sublimation Dona challa, and Eept under the nante of Sal Cornu Cervi.



Aqua Ammoniae acetatae, P. L. 1787.

' alio of Carbonate of Ammonia, tWo

Is the acid rather predominate, the solution IS more grate-ful to the iaste , and provided that acid be correctly prepared, the proportions here gi ven Wid be found sum cient: Wa iere the strength of the acid cannot be depended upon, it Wili beright to be regulated rather by the cessation os effervescenCethan by quantity. The sali cannot be obtamed in a solid


formwithout dissiculty, but it may be crystalliged by a cautious sublimation, at a temperature about 250'; no advantage hoWever Would be derived Dom sucti a process for the purposes of medicine.



Aqua Ammoniae, P. L. II8I. Spiritus salis ammoniaci, P. L, I 745. P. L. II20.

Tatio of Carbonate of Ammonia, eight

Distilled Water, a Pint.

In the former Pharmacopoeia this solution Was prepared by a distillation os a mixture os muriate os ammonia, Subcarbonate of potass, and water; but the result is so nearly the Same When the present formula is used, that there seemed tobe no good reason Why a more complex process Should beretained.

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I ake of Muria te os Ammonia,Lime ne vly prepared, of each tWo

It must be caresully reme ered, that Liquor ammoniae of the present Pharmacopoeia corresponds With Aqua ammoniaeturae, and not With Aqua ammoniae of the former. Great care and attention are necessary in every part of this process ;the two salts are iobepoWdered separalely besere they are miXed, sor is they be trituraled together, ammonia mill be eXtricat-ed, Which should of course be prevented untii the means for iis collection are adopted. The salts are to be shahen Welt wcetber, rat er iban rubbed, and added to the water in ille