The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1809년

분량: 511페이지


분류: 미분류


. Rose




Fig. I, 2, 3, . These figures are given for the purpose of explaining the Water Bath, for preparing Extracis, mentioned page 2 It in faci requires in iis use tessattention froni the operator than the more commonand destructive method of evaporating them immediately over What is called a sto fire. Fig. l. A common tin vesset With a spout projecting Domiis fide, through Whicli the si eam may pass, and an addition os more Water be made, When neceSSary. t ig- 2- UPPer concaVe Surface of the cover, Or evapora ing pan, the edge of whicli projects over that of the VeSSel. The part to contain the liquid might bemade of Wedgwood ware Without dissicut ty. Fig. S. Section of the cover, or evaporating Pan. Fig. . Section os a deeper COver, Or Pan; is contain a larger quantity of liquor; by Whicli the frst part of the process may be performed With less necessity forattention: the lalter pari, When it requires more constant attention and stirring, is best persornred by



Fig. 5, 6, 7, 8. Scries of glaSs meas es. Fig. 5. From a pini down to a fluidounce. Fig. 6. From two fluidourices down to hals a fluidrachm. Fig. I. Frona a fluidrachm do vn to sive mininis. Fig. 8. A smali iube, open at both ends, and graduated Domm e minims dowΛ to one. This being inserted into any liquid, to the levet of the mark of the quantityrequired, and the superior end then closed bu the finger, Will retain that quantity on iis removat, and thus allow of the mensuration of the smallest divisionos the wine gallori Whicli is required. It is by no means intended to impeach the accuracy Ofthese meaSures, as prepared by disterent individuals ; but itfeems right, in the sirst instance, to State generally, that those made under the patent of i he late Alr. Lane, and sold at Apothecary'S Hall, are extreme ly accurate in ali their rela