장음표시 사용
66, 182, 276, 365, 413, 514; Comp-
653 ; Dean of, 84, 194, 279, 282, 373,
587, 588, 591, 594, 597, 598, 599, 602, 609, 611, 612, 613, 616, 617, 618, 619,623, 627, 628, 635, 637, 642, 6έ8, 649,654, 658, 670, 672, 679 ; Comptroller's
Aberdour, William, reniters account of Alexander Irvino or Drum as Intromittor
287. William, Sasine io, of barony oi Abernethy, Rothiemay and Cornecarnand others, 659, 665, 666 ; alleges that
Eligabeth, Wise of Simon Narn, 565. - Florentinus, Who died in batile, 568.
granis remission of capon aud foWis of
renders account of Alexander Irvine os Drum as seu-sarmer of Coule, 489. Almornes, sermes os, in hands of Eari os
Alschonder, Alexander. See Alexander
Ardmanach, account of Chamberlain os,
25, 172, 259, 331, 409, 503; Chamber-
labours anent tho fermes of Mariscrost,
27, 174, 263, 339, 410, 50έ; Whole
nesses a Charier, 113 n. - Sir John, cellarer of Cambushenneth
Chureli in Stirling Casile, 110, 154, 218, 300, 41 7, 492.