장음표시 사용
Cochrante and Cunningliam, tenandryos, sermes anil relies os, 619. Coeliburn, Adam, nutural son of tho late
aud mill thereos, 613. - Ρeter, the late, Isabella Elphiuston,
129. Commissions Ui Justiuiary. Me Justiciary. Commoti thest, commission os Justiciary
262, 328, 338, 406, 409, 500, 503 ;
burgh by grant of the lato Sir Johu Forester, confirmed by James I., 72,
Cragane, in Argyle, lands os, sermus andrelies os, 633. Craganis, William Cunningliam OL Me
Horatii sor his seu, 16, 157, 2έ6, 315, 317, 426, 486 ; rental os, 577.
David, Eari os, letter os remission ofinaills to, 49 D.; cane and victuat duo
by as fermes of Ruthillet, 118, 119, 120, 125, 128, 129, 131, 134, 135, 137, 231, 352, 353, 356, 396, 399.
- David, servant in the I ing's chambur,
98, 207, 291, 385, 386, 464, 536, 5ά9 ;a commissioner sor letting Crown laniis,
Patricli, master of the spicery, 205, 290. Sir Peter, os Nauelitan, master os
the wardrobe, 201, 286, 380, 459, 533,
With payment to Chapta in in Tain Chureli, 173, 174, 262, 339, 410, 503.
Innes of Touehis, at an inereased runt,
Culveny Culvinge), sermes os, 23, 170, 258, 328, 470, 501.
158, 247, 316, 318, 427, 487. Culgeaeli Mehili, fariners os, 170, 254, 258,321, 328, 407, 501.