Gilberti ex abbate Glocestriae episcopi primum Herefordiensis deinde ...

발행: 1845년

분량: 409페이지


분류: 미분류




ΑΜΟΝ the Letters hic have been pub-1iine connecte Min the dispute et en Henryes an Archias praechet are severat writte by Gilber Foliot a man amous sorhis learning an piety, a much a sor his talent in political assairs. His eminent man in more lavour te times, might have risen to the hiraest dignit ofelther Chure or State, an been ithout comparison the realest man of the age in Whichine lived But it mas his tot to e ut-shone by the more rilliant genius o Thomas

Becket, ho as reserre besore his to the metropolita se of Canter Π, and was in Consequence not maturasty the objec os


preside vineaeam Ver the monaster os Glo-

eoster, an in II 48 Was esse to the Bis p-eic os Hereford, Which Was vacant by the deathos his benefactor Rober de Bethune. Flit nyears aster his he mas translate is London,

by the particular is of theming nor is it

Whie so obviousi suggeste iraeis, o fillingine iraest ecclesiastica dignitis Wit his

leges of the Church in generat, and especiallyof the se os antectu . ut is, Wouldmis to tali a dispassionale view of this partos history, - must caremii Mira the evidence ichisa be produce o both sides of the question; ut untd the publicatio of thesevolumes, it Was impossibi to appinthis principi to the investigationi a subject without doub the mos starilinii the whole ange of



Englis histo . The Resormation, hic took place in the Ch in three hundred ear ago, has undoubtedintended in prejudice the publicamina Thomas a Becket and the cause Whichhe maintained so the fama reason an undue

sevour has Men hewn to est those hoerimused the ing' pari against iam Among these stan pre-eminent Roger, Archbiinopis in an inmeri Foliot, Bis p of London. t the odium hic has salienis the ameo Becket, and the favour hic has been inem in his adversaries, is notis it un- deserveo, have been beatoWed Mike, Without Gly eighing the argumenta that mira beadduce o euher fide. he Volumes OWpubsished mill beriound to throw the realeatlio on the controvere bet M the rival Blinops, anxit is important for the reade to bear immiud that these letters probabi contain the ulmos that could e murat omard by thos pari With Mumetu againstine Archbishomo Canter W. ut ascit is not ala te is separate in character and theletters of Gilberi hometheareat cause in Whichhe ook o prominent a pari, these se re--ἄs Wil sussice or an introduction to the present collection, and we ahali reserve a more fuli examinatio of the question, tili the wholem si documenta halli made complete by the publicatio of the letters of Becke andinose Who espoused his pari.


I remiana theresore in insor in reade oninat authorit these letters are novi liinedas the genuine ruingsis Gliberi Follat. In the Bodleiano rar is a manuscriptismus 287 Writis a ut the inest 200, and containing Warda os four hundred lettera: this volum is in Mound ork of the presentedition. Mout sori os these lettera Meriound in another manuscript preserve in the British

not et Men abierio obtain a aio oscit, a thelabra has been recently unde Oing repais andalthough the Dean has tinen ine great tam lein earchin among the disarrange Volumes, the book Which contain the letters in question has notoe been ound It is hoWoer sup- posed in contain but very seW letters an none Whicli are no sound in the Cave S. This important volume, Which Was ove byCave to thes versit of Oxsord has alaeady attracte in notice of severa scholara indantiquarians but in immense labour of tra scribin a extensive a collectio has hitherio

ho ver in consequence of peculiar Militi vhio have been thrown in the Editor' Way, the public mill have in benefit os ecomingacquiante Wii the hole contenta os the volume, an it is hoped missi a sem error asine generalit os Works hic are printed rom


ovi one original copy. Aio ever the lettersare there found Wit ut the littes attemptat arrangement, it has been necessar in

duce them to tho orde Whic movi bestia moniae it in planis the present edition. meis the letters have been prinis besore: aeverat of them are repeate in the Cave S. tWice and even three times it is ineresore di ficulto say ho many separate letters the

volume actuali contians the fame remain

mill hereaster appl to the , volumes in Whic Becket' letters sit e contained. Uther ore the reade s vi Wis to asceriniuminutet Where very lette is to e found in manuscript he must consul in table os initialm M at the en of the second volume of this Work Where the wurceis every letter has beenove mith, it is hoped persect accuracy. In arranon ine lettere, have placediret



Gilberto Londonos an able coalutor and chec o the Archbisho o Cantectury butinis iem os in case is hardi consistent Minsome of the letters in the present collection, and also Wit the assertionis sommo Beckersia mphera that Gilberi malio of London principali opposed Becker elevation to these of antectu . In the fini an secondportiona os his collectio the letters have been prinis Without further regis to ordor than in genera classification a ve alludedio. In the thir par the letters are arranged accordin to the person to hom the areaddreas , a sor instance-1. to the ope ;2. to the Cardinias; . to the fons of the

Church in general; . to the Archbishops, Bis ps Deans, Abbois, c. of the different di me in alphabetical ordern and 5. to Fangs an other lay persons, accordiu to thei dig

as di the letters in his collection, though extremes interestin in themserues, are principali valvabimas referring to letters in Becherscollection, in reader in in that collectionta in the insormation hic can e iveniam a to the orde in hic the letters of the

present collectio are tot re . But the Cave ΜS. contatas an letters Writte by the person contemporar With


in partari an II of this collection, mi dipWitho se of Foliot But in the thir partes suo letters have been remove to the end, Where the wil be ound arrange accordi to the fame mode hiis Was adopte in theletters of Gilbert himself.

Furinermore there Meriound in the manuscripta os Becket' letters Me or sci ruten

by the Bisho of London, and one in WilianslaConcilia est of these have been transferre toine present collection, besides other no sound possib* in the Cave ΜS. In hori, o theptant of completenes the ollomin mi has Men observed Whic mill explain to the re erWhat he icto loo sor both in these volumes,

an in the accompinying series containing the letters of Becket. The present collectio containa in the letters of Gilberi Folio-the ther collectionmili contain ali in letters of Becket but suo letters as ere ritte is ope Alexander, in Henry, and thera, have been divi die,een the two, and millie found someat in in os in present collection, in restat the en of that containing Becket' letters. I ha been necessar to adopt this methodi orde in m e these volumes os convenient an uniform dimensions.

Τh author of these letters is supposed to