Catalogus stirpium &c., or, A catalogue of plants naturally growing and commonly cultivated in divers parts of England, more especially about Nottingham ...

발행: 1738년

분량: 319페이지


분류: 미분류


This is a vidiaerary very discuilive diuretic, and auseful Ingredient in Insusiolis and Decoctions designed toopen the obitrue ted uterine Pas Ages, it is a gratesul bitter and a Strengthner of the Stomac, and the Flo res and Seeds take G riping of the Bori eis, and kill the Wornis in Children. Some recommend the Juiceos ii as a cure ser chori Hai S.


s ais I


Tragopstra . Vid Fegopyrum. Isretorreis. Vid. Orchis barbata foetida. 2 ribulus aquaticus. Vid. Potamogiton &c.

Trichomanes seu Polytricham officinarum. C. B. Pin. E. hyb Hack Maiden mair. Cl. I. Gen. IV.


I I RIPOLIUM pratense album. 327. C. B. Pin. Parh. minus pratense flore albo. GCr. Em

3 TRIFOLIUM pratense purpureum. DH. 328.'C. B. Piu. pratense purpureum Vulgare. Par .

si simile Sy n. ibi . CAver grass. This is frequently s Win for Fodder of Catile. I TRIFOLIUM purpureum majus foliis longioribus et angustioribus, floribus saturatioribus. n. ibid. Montanum purpureum maju . V. B. Pin. Long leaveae purpis Trooii Sith deeper coloured F mors. Here and there about Hedges and in Ρasture


Pastures but not so common as the third and sitit. 6 TRIFOLIUM parvum hirsutum floribus pamvis dilute purpureis in glomerulis mollioribus et oblongis, semine magno. SFn. 329. Knottia Cretoii oeith si ter Heras and larger sdere. On thec alti e Rock facing Lenton, in Nottingsamsark, and in the Lane belWeen Lar date and the Gate Opening upon Radporis Lings plentisvlly. 7 TRIFOLIUN arvense humile spicatum seu

Lagopu3. υπ. 339. C. B. Pin. Lagopus Vulgaris. Par . Lagopodium seu Pes leporinus Gera Harcssoot, or Hares bot Troes 8 TRIFOLIUΜ pratense luteum capitulo lupuli Vel agrarium Gn. ibid. C. B. Pin. luteum minimum. Ger. Em. Parh. Hop-tre soli. frequencamong the Corn and on sandy Grounds. 9 TRIFOLIUM lupulinum alterum minuS. SI n.

ibi . Trifolium luteum flore lupulino minus I. B. The tesser Hoptre Dil. Common in Ρasture

Grouniis and Meado S.Crifolium odoratum vid. Melilotus vulgaris. Io TAIFOLIUM luteum lupulinum. 33I. Ger Euri montanum lupulinum. Par . Melilo; Grefoti


II T RI FOLIUM Cochleatum solio cordato maculato SFAE. 333. C. B. Pin. Cordatum. Ger. Medica arabica Camerarii sive Trifolium cordatum. . Par . mari Treboil or Citaver, by some cal-

led Purpis G1 6s, frona the Colour of the speison the naiddie of the Leaves, and nmany Who areled by that whimsical Notion of Signature, giVeiis inrusion as 2 a to Persons who have the snali Pox to preserve them froni or cure them of the Purpus. Τhey ali belong to Cl. I. Gen. XXIII 3. Flower frona April to June and somelimes I ger, thesecond and Nirith flo er earlieli and go out socnest. Τhis Y ear 1 38 Ι haxe found Lagopus in Bloom in October. The Urefotis are ali good Food sor Catile and chiefly used sor that End. Grifolium acidum. Vid. Oxys alba. Trifolium fibrinam. vid. Menianthes palustre

Grifolium pallistre. vid Menianthes. Trinitatissos. vid. Viola tricolor. Writicum H eat. of this the folloning Κindsare cultivated in this Neirabourhood. 1 TRITICUΜ spica mutica. Syn. 389. Ger. Par Hybernum aristis carens. C. B. Pin. White an Red Whea ithout Atans. Both soris groW here


a TRITICUM aristis circumvallatum. granis et, spica rubentibus, glumis laevibus et splendentibus Ssin. 387. An Triticum aristis circumvalla-aum. Ger. Red eared bear id misen.

3 TRITICUM aristatum spica maxima cinericeagsumis hirsutis. Syn. ibid. Gων IVDeat, DYc bili , eat, and gro Pollariae This is the fittest for the Forreit because When in Lar it is not soliable to be cropped by the Deer. TRITICUM majus longiore grano glumis s liaceis incluso, ieu triticum Poloniae ditam. Syn.j ibid. H. Oxon. Polonian MDeat. TURRITIS. Sy Π. 293. Ser. Vulgatior I. B. Parh. τὸwo Meti parii Cl. I Gen. XXI. I.


Vaccinia nigra. vid. Vitis Idaea angulosa. VALERIANA fylVestris major. SIN. zoo. Gcr. rλ. Sylvestris magna aquatica. I. B. Gr at

VALERIANA sylvestris major montana. ΘΠ aoo. C. B. Pin. Folio angustiore. R . Ira. mon.