장음표시 사용
j 3 SALix minime fragilis foliis utrinque virii dibus, non serratis Dr. Jherard. Θn. ε*9. SFn
SALIX latissilia rotunda Θn. ibid. C. d.' Pin. Caprea rotundis lia Ger. latillia rotunda. Parh. Round leav're Salio .l f SAL 1x illo ex rotunditate aCuminato.l Bu. trire. C. B. Pin. caprea latifolia Geri latifolial inferne hirsuta f. B. Commou Sallax, pretuli common iv the Hedges of imoist Grounis.l 6 SAL 1x folio longissimo bu. 3so. Cat. Canto angustis et longissimis illis crispis, subtus albi-l cantibus I. B. CDe Oper. Commonly culti . valed in O ter Holes.
It is hol drying and astringent, and is rechond notthe meanest among Vulneraries:
SAXI FRAGA rotundi solia alba. n. ibid. C. Pin. alba V ulgaris. Parh. alba radice granulosa Dite-Saxifrage. Both these belong to Cl. I. Gen. XXIV. z. This Flowers in I I , and is metWith in Plenty in ali Meadori s and Palfures.
in orat. and continues till June, Ρlentis illy in
tundissilia aurea. C. f. Pin. Golam Saxifrage. Cl. Ι. Gen. V. 2. Flo vers troni the lalter End
minor livo columbaria: Scr. minor cumnestris
rest. They are much of the fame Qualities, and deservea Place among the Vulneraries. But Os ille extravagant Commendations of si1 pensatory Viriteς, they deserve none 1b ωest as that of Cleanters curam stus Im
C. B. Pin. Ρecten yeneris I. B veneris seu scandix. Ger. scandix vulgaris seu Pecten Veneris. Par . Mepher es Medis or menur Comb. Cl. I. Gen .XI. a. Flo Ners in Mo and June, in a
C. B. Pin. maxima radice libroia. i. B. Beto' i nica
bernum vel majus. C. n. Pin. Rie Belongs to Cl. I. Gen. XXVII. I. It is culti valed in diverse paris of this County.