Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 489페이지


분류: 미분류


I possess a long Series 23 specimen sin frona Spatia.


Fig. 5. - Α : Uncus, tegumen and valvae of Catabolia abscondita Sp. n., ventra ly - Η :Len valva and aedoeugus Of sanie latero-ventralty - C : Sume paris, lateralty - D : Male genitui organ os Petersenia perplexa Sp. n. . Ventrally. DOtted line designates ouiline of vin- Culum When pressed in Alide


Received September I, 1959

study, both fro in the ΡOints Os vlew of the niambor Os specimens and the distribution os the collecting localities. The number of springtime Specimens ina Ionting Plumage, concerning adult males, is 25, that os adult semales T. These


of the locat sub species Ox nominate form On the Other.

which Ialter Was also collected. Their investigation Ahows that both the male and the se male present mOSt typicatly the characteristics of the nominate fori. With regarii to the faci that, in the folio vings, there Will be made constant references to the coloration Of the head und the patierit of the nominate