Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 489페이지


분류: 미분류


in the nominate form. The lores, the par coveris and the sub Orbitat area are


completely agroes With the male specimen os ocsa. In this way, Ι assert withabsoluto certa in ty iliat tho male and se male birils in question are identical vitii the species Budytes perconfusus GRANT et ΡRAED. Regarding the suci that Ι too concur With the views of MCLACHLAN, LIVERSIDGE, und Severat Other systematis is, Ι do not recogniZe the distinci specificity of Budytes per- confusus, hut considor it as a subspecies, nainod Motacilla flava perconfusa GRANT et ΡRAED. This viow is maintainod both by others and Ι on the basis os the facts that, ori the one hanil, tho head patierii and coloration Os thesubspecies Sho v a very bro ad Variationat latitude, and , On the Other harid,

there are severat transitioris concerning these scatures among the Severat


Theri a further investigation proved that the highly similar two species differ froni each othor in Severat biological scaturos voice, number Ofelut ches, breeding time, etC. 3.


C. Syria Curi SP. NOV.