장음표시 사용
Received January 28. I960 There cannot he found any paper Or resererice in literature On a scientificiliscussion Os the aberrations arising in the bullsinch. Τhis faci turn ed my attention in an increased degree On the Phen Ome non in question. There may be ObSerVed, eVen ut a CurSOry glance, ab normaliticS in the plumage whicli deservea thorough investigation. The aberrations PreSent themSelVeS in COIOr, Patiern, and the relative Sige of the rectrices and remiges. I have to emphasiZe that theaberrations may be Segregated into grOMPS, Whicli mean8 that they aris e concurrently. This may be expressed more eXactly by saying that certa in colorand patiern deviations are concomitant with differetices in the relative tengthos the wing and tali se athers. Let iis remember that there exist Species, ncarly
ter is based on the relative tengilis of the rectrices se. g. Phylloscopus collybita and trochilus . Facis and considerations like the seled me to the weli supportatile scientisic hypothesis that the concomitantly arising aberrationat soatures have an atavistic Significatice. Any Verification Os the atavistic naturo Of the aberrations reniter Scientisic ally proVed data to the phylogeny of the species in queStion. The starting ΡOint of the sequence of ideas for the verification of the ab Ove assumption is the indubitably valid statement that is there occur in aspecies uberrations os a nature Whicli arise as normal seatures in unother species
of the Sume genus, then the aberratiori accounts sor a Lind of relationshipi, et veen the twO species either by indicating that they descended DOm a common anceStor Or that the progenitor of the Species displaying this aberrationis the one Whicli possesses it as a regular seu ture.
Aster this ouiline of the principie, I give the data of the aberrationalspecimens. Ι examin ed a total of 66 hirds; 36 males and 30 se males. AberrationalSPecimens Occurred Only among the males. of the 36 male birds, 33 helong to
A dotailed examination of the aberrational specimens led to the Strikingresult that the deviations appearing in color, Patiern and the relative tengthos the remiges and rectrices cari be sub divided into SiX groupS.
rectrices are 2 - 3 mm Ahorter than the extreme Onesin and there are Some
ab OVe the white rump, thus this character is common with that of the speci
Amallosi as compared to the normal scatures of tho bullsinch. The solo irregu
ing seature exhibited in the plumage of this specimen. Nainely, while in althullsinches, including the normal as Woli as the aberrational specimens, theseconii one of the primaries is of a longili equat with the siXth, and the longestra athers of the wing are the third, the fourth and the fifth abolit equat among themselves); in this bird the longili of the seconil and the fifth is identical, and the tis of the wing is formed of the equully long third and fourth remiges. The resulis of the examinations put sortii ab OVe led to the following, scientificatly evaluatile, facis. First os ali, the aberrations occur in aho ut 43 percent of the male bullsinches, whicli potnis to a high rate of looseness of the
The disclosure of the ab ove seatures expose the faci that 12 of the 33Specimens of the nominate form Pyrrhula pyrrhula dispose of atavistic - aberrationat characters whicli refer to the species Pyrrhiala e thaca, e throcmhala, and aurantiacu. The presence of the atavistic seatures in this relatively high number of SPecimens and in this explicit form allow the inseretice of decide d and close relationShi P connectionS. HoweVer, in the exposition and evaluation Of the origin of the atavistic CharaCterS, we cannot rest content With the justified conclusion that the ances torS Of PyrrhuIa 'rrhula L. are the species Pyrrhula e thaca B LYΤΗ ., 'rrhula
investigations; that much is howeVer certain that the present Studios rendergo me clues to the assumption that these twO SpecieS are alSO cIOSely related to
As a further support of the ab OVe conSideration8, Ι may yet ad 1 that severat biological features, sex instance the Volce, are alSO hight y Similar among the species in queStiori. The correciness of the ideas expOunded ab ove is alSO Sustained by the Circumstance that the number of aberrational specimens is very high 14 of the 32 examinod homo hirds), further that their temporal and spatiat distribution move also belween wide limits. The 14 specimens were collected in the
and they also fho v a proportionat distribution I 2, 22 ΝοV., 2, 6, 26, 27 Dec., 9, 10, 19, 20, 2I Jan. I, 8, 15 Febr.). It is also clear DOm these facts that Dei theraberrationat form may stand up aS a mouiting abnormity, Since molestingi akes place in August, September, October three iS DO SPringtime mouiting,only an abrasion); besides, ali are adult and not firSt-year Specimens. AriSing out of the present informations, we may est abiisti the solio vitigrities. The higher the number, the extense and the intensity of the atavistic- aberrationat characters Bre in a given species, so much later did it separate fromthe One or the more species tO WhOSe seatureS it revertS, - thereiare the Strength of the atavistic aberrations is conditionat On the age of the Species. It also follows that a decrease of the atavistic - aberrations indicates the Stabiligation of the specific characters. Is several characters of ait species conStituting a genus be Observe d among the ataviStic- aberrational features of the One Or the Other species, they denote that, On the One hand, the genus is ofa homogenous Origin, and , On the other, the Species exhibiting the miXed