Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 489페이지


분류: 미분류


sci. Bucarest. B.


The finding of tho nost is made more difficult by the circumstance thattho hen alighis but exceptionalty in the close vicinity of her nest, and Taxelyte aves it by a direct flight, hut firSt wallis away to a certain distance. Thehen of a pair nearing their nest Will usualty land on the ground rather far Dom

one could deduce, fro in the direction os iis flight, the locality of the nest. oti how far the finding of the nest depends on the bellaviour of the birdsis proved by the faci that not only the splendid ly hid nesis are hard to ho


in question were ne v Ones Which could not have lived either in my observationalarea Or in iis vicinity. I can think os but One thing, and though it is rather sar-setched or indeod adventurous I stili mention it fas later investigations may possibiy Ahow s O me truth in itin, ita moly that the descendanis Os Patra moved to


Rare as the occurreri e is to bulld iis nost under largor troes, tho more

and LE UZINCER I4J have grave do ubis on the possibility of the nesting of the