장음표시 사용
siete Ι,5 - 2 6 mi in European Species), are the three-Segmented antennae, the Iast joint of whicli is large, spo On-shapod and externalty haired. The Pronotum is transverse, With a more Or IOSA distinct tubercle On the anterior margin . The scutollum is always visitile. The hemielytra have a light tiro adstripe in the basal part of the clavus. The darL Patierit On the corium is Com-POSed os longitudinat Strealis, passing over also to the right membra ne whicli is
dimorphism, the 2 2 having both their terminal joinis coalescent, forming a single tibi O-pala ended by a Spiky claw, While in the g the claw is petaloidand may he declined and reposed on the exterior Surface of the pala. The abdomen in the s is asymmetric. The fifth tergite has lateralty a
longue, of an Oulline characteriStic for the Particular Species. Also characteris
The larvae os Micro necta are distinguished by three large, dark, abdominat dorsat glandS. The identification of Μicronectae is somelimes difficult. Most of the criteria applied in the key are Strongly Variabie, es Pecialty those of the coloration which depends on the biotop. The dark patiern, when fully developed, is quite reli able, but it Often undergoes a reduction and it may fade entirelyin specimens living on a very Iight bottom. The Surest characters are Provide dby the Structure of the y y, QSPecialty the Shapes of their Para meres. Thoughtheir examination is at first AOmowhat troubleso me, it is in dispensabie in many
Micro nectae are freshwater inhabitanis, living mainly in stagnant Mater- hodies, though so me of the Europe an species OCCur RISO in riverS und StreamS. Ali Species are rather sensitive to the purity of the water and the Oxygen demand is considerable in some of them. In Stagnant Walers, there is a depilios at Ieast 2 m indispensatile sor a permanent Occurretice of theSe inSeCtS.
tergite. Laterat longiae of fifth abdominat tergite of fig. 26)
of the brachypterous specimens reacti frequently the Posterior margin Os thesistit abdominat tergite. Tho third abdominat tergite Ahows so me 3 - 8ὶ sub marginal brisiles distally sig. Ti. They are the rem nanis of complete rows os analogical hristioson the solio ving tergites. The laterat longue os the fifth tergite os the s is hasno striking seatures sig. 63. Τhem edian Iobe of the severith sternite is relatively