장음표시 사용
This recently describe d species Was not yet found in Hungary, but iis Occurrence there is probabio as it inhabit S the upper c Ourses of AOmo tributaries
Figs. 37 0. - Micronecta carpatica V ROBL. g. 37 right Parainere; 38 lest paramere: 39 - laterat longue of the fifth abdominat tergite; 40 nee iobe of the eighth abdominat
I he hemiolytra have illo Ahape and the patierit much like those Os M. posteri DGL. SC.), though the dark markings are mostly Vcry Scari ty, and in the rare cases when the L lolchos are visibie, they have di in Ovilines. Tho abdominat hasal sternites of the is is ure yellow, With an Orangestiade, the fourth and fifth are brownish in tho in id ille paris. The laterat longue
of the fifth tergito has a rounded apex as in M. minutissima L.) sig. 393.Τhe right paramere of the sig. 37ὶ is most characteristicat. Iis sitast is
narrow and strat glit Do in the base for abo ut *l, of iis longili, then bent ut an obtuse an gle. The style of the Iest para mere si g. 383 is more elongated than in the Other species, it is hent and with a shallow laterat incision at the tip.
be harilly considered as representative for that country. The throe Samplos Om Yugoflavia are insufficient to forin any notion ab Out the groia P at all. It woidit he interesting to know a more det alled distribution of the species