장음표시 사용
by MELANDER and ARGO 6, 1'. 343 as plumata and variegata, in 1925. In illeir
further taxa na med columbiensis, nigrofacies, and pruinosa, in 1962, thus increasing to eleven the known members of the grouP. In the course of the working out of unidentisied materiais deposited in the Natural History Museum, Budapest, and the V. S. National Museum, Washington, I succeeded to AhOw seven ne v species, algo belonging to the plumata-group . I desist, however, Dom submitting herein the det alleddescription of the T new species, since Ι have every hope to he able to study.
within a ghori time, the types or paralypes of ali species describe d hitherio, that is, to obtain suit able descriptions and dra vings Os type - specimens unavail- able for direct study. Ηence I shali publisti the delailed diagnoses of thenew Species in the monography of the genus, but they witI be established in the folio vings, an identification Ley for the laxa relegabie to the plumata
bases, and two Amalter Ones immediately berare transversat future.