장음표시 사용
With our entire Collection, in 1956, I cannot say how Ι would adjudge them by a direct examination today, but I am quite sure that Ι would not relegate them to the group of foris of Th. fluviatilis.
must have hecome extinct in the ab OVe locality, since severat authors havesearched sor it in Vain and even LoZΕΚ, the ZealOus explorer of the fauna Osthe Tatras, falled to finit it again.
It should be obviolis even to the layman that fluviatilis though absent om Hungary and her Hestern neighbours CZechOSIOVahia, Austria, and AOuthern Germany, in Other WOrils, the range of Th. danubialis it is allegedly farfrom heing uncommon in the whole Bathan Peninsula, Sicily, and even Sardinia. Since then, the siluation has changed in that the Sicilian and solith Italian 3 is Orms were declared to belong to Th. meridionalis PHILIPPI, hut the other Ones retained their earlier State as representatives of Th. fluviatilis. Some fresti considerations and Observations made On my modeSi materialhad, however, ted me to an essentialty different conclusion. I am convincednow that Th. fluxiatilis is fundamentalty a western and eastern European
The key to the explanation of the curious and welinigh inexplicabierange of 2 h. fluviatilis was found in my Dalmatiati materiai. The salientitems of this materiai are the three individuals whicli found their way intoour collection by the Lindness of my old frienil, DR. H. SCHLESCH. The specimens are identisied as Thodoxus fluviatilis da Imaticus SoW., and labelled as Dalmatia, Iader, Solin, V. 1932, log. FUCIIs V. This form is listed, in the Appendix added by JAECKEL sen. to EHRΜANN's new edition, as f. dalmatica ΡARTSCII, and it is this whicli occurs also in the Lahe Ochrid. The monOchromouS, dark grey Specimens can eastly be Placed in Such a way On the
Squalter, hecauSe, While the greatest tength: hight measurement of the Swedisti individuals is an average 10 : 6.4 mm, that of the Dalmatian ones is T.8 : 6.2mm. The aperturat area, that is, the aperture together With the columellar
I have no guttatile material DOm the greater, eastern part Of the Bathan
exemplars is typicatly Zig-Zaggy. The formers might have been considere das fluviasilis by those authors who base their identification primarily On
On the basis of these considerations , I am unable to relegate the formisom Italy, known as Th. fluviatilis L. f. intexta VILLA in literature, to thegroup of forms of this species, but denote ii as a distinci species by the name
I have to adit finalty that the ultimate solution of the problem Will, of course, be given by the anatomicat examination, and primarily the knowledge of the sexuat organs, of the serms discussed ab ove. REFEREN CES
Received November 2 T. 1962 The Collectiori of Orthoptera in the Ηungarian Natural History Museum Mas recently augmented by a considerable amount of Orthopteran materiais deriving Dom the collectings os various expeditions abroad, as weli as Dom exchange activities and presents. ΗΟwever, the a88eSSing of the materials
happened only in the Iast year, When a great number of Acrida species had arrived froni Central and Eastern Asia and Africa . The revision of the genus Acrida L. was recently made by DIRSH in 1954, hence I submit only the identification Leys of the known and new species of the genus, followed by the
Pronotum wide. Asiatic species.