장음표시 사용
Received December 2, 1958 When rearing mining mothS, One frequently receiVes a large number of
portion Os the wasPS and moth8, - eVen aster their halching, - by the opening of the mines. η Ιn the Iast part of my paper, howeVer, I summariZe, sor the salieos information, the resulis Obtained DOm rearing Nepticulidae, together Withsome data referring to the para SitiZation Os Some Other mining species. A partos the Lithocolletis materiat was collected for this specific Purpo Se, another Partoriginaled hom my material intended for rearing. The examined LithocoIIetis material includes Severat species DOm Various localities. In most of the cases, my method consisted of rearing the collected material in Petry dishes, opening the mines aster the halching of the animal s. A part of the opened mines Wasempty, with no traces of either mollis Or WasΡ8. Within the larger part of the
22 14817372208125 263047,06csa, 28 Oct. 195332 853275 145448612245031, 3 Lithocolletis Asp. Quercus Harsbokorhegy, Budakeseti, fall, 19534043615 I2020 55,5Janoshegy, Budapest. 8 Jan. 195612
43,0comparella Z. Populus alba ocsa, T Oct. 1952218 13
61,56csa, 4 Oct. 195432032 126 14410
43,8figasegyhaeta, Ι4 Oct. 195484 2658 1518 22 201140,0Tompa coli. of J. ERDOS and L. ΚOVACSὶ, June 195573
73 123922218 230,0Erd, istand, 30 June 1955456396627 1213 2
Μoth species, iis Mod plant, collecting localityand date
9,3 acerneIIa Z. Acer pseu platanus ZugIiget, Budapest, 4 Sept. 195614 2123 188
30,0Segregate the two specie S Solely on the basis of their mines, but the halchedimago S present a rather reli able picture of the proportioris of the two species
Erd, namely Cirrospitus unistriatus FORST. The rather hi gli degree of insectione ancerning Lithocolletis species mining On oah trees may probably be explained by the large number of parasitic WaSΡ8 infecting them. Lithocolletis compareIIa Z. Food plant: PopuIus alba. of this species, a materiat originatingsrom a Wide Variety of biotops and of summer and hibernating pupae) Wasstud ted. Among the localities, there Were represented the humid, compaci Sollos ocsa, the dry sand dunes of Agasegyhaga, and the fixed sand of Τompa the collectings of DR. I. ERDOS, and DR. L. ΚOVACS), the fame as an istandin the Danube ne ar Erd. I have to mention here that, due to Iack of space, I have reared the Tompa and Erd materiais together With PDIIocnistis xenia ΗΕ R., in a common receptacle With the reguli that it was impossibie to exactly
determine, in these two cases, the hOSts of the halched Parasites. The common rearing has, howeVer, no influence On the data of the Tabie, since I received these data on tho basis of the Opened mines. Parasitigation is rather highalso with regard to this Species, shOwing a considerable fluctuation as weli. It is no wonder there ore that the n Umber Os ichneumon fites parasitic on L.
comparella is considerable. Os the pure comparella rearings bcsa, figasegyli aeta), the following wasps have halched : Geniocerus amethystinus RATZB., Chryso- charis auronitens RATZB., Ch. niveipes ΤΗΟΜ S., Symplesis Sericeicornis NEES., Pediobius obscuripes RATZB., and an Apanteles species. Beside these, I found Encyrtid cases in the Opened mines. Among Lithocolletis species, I found thehighest number of Braconid species in compareIIa. Os the sive collectings,two yielded more Braconitis than Chalcidids, an Occurrerice neVer Observed with other Lithocolletis SPecieS. Lithocolletis Iantanella SCΗ ΗΚ.Food plant: Viburnum laniana and opulus. It is impossibie to drawsinat conclusions on the basis of the 10 non-empty mines found in the leaves of V. Iantana but it is to he seen also DOm this smali material that neither this species is Dee of parasites ; indeed, the rate os infection seems to be rather high. Os the relatively smali materiat, I reared the sollowing species : Ch socharis
153, since I have reared a considerable ni imber Os Parasites Dom a mine collected
island ne ar prd, 10 October 1956. Parasitigation is, in this materiai, of a higherrate than in the miXed materiai gathered from Ulmus, 30 June I955, yet it stili seems to he low is we take into consideration the faci that, including the
four insected mines). Os the ocsa materiai, two Chalcidid species have halched r
Lithocolletis acernelia Z. Food plant: Acer pseudopIatanus. of the 14 mines collected in Zugliget, Budapest, 4, Sept. 1956, 12 were Suitable for further examination. It is probably duo to the relatively AmalΙ material that, regardiess of the very
I did not study in delati the conditions of parasitigation of Νepticula species, though Ι made exact notes regarding the data received in the course of my rearings. Ι submit, in the Τable below, ali data which seem to be inter-