장음표시 사용
Species Localityos collectingDate os collecting
23 June 195416 Aug. 195426 July I95568
Species calityos collectingDate os collecting
pubescens hemargyrella ΚOLL. Normala, BP.
26 July 195527 1610 June 1957 31
29 Sept. I956612mpuIus tremula splendidissimeIIa Η. CH.
Apari hom the Lithocolletis and Septicula species, I have reared ichneumon fites also Dom Other mining Lepido Ptera, but, With the exception Os One, I do not dispose of exact data and notes. My sole numerical data refer to the
by the rearing of mining mollis. First of ait, most Lithocolletis species suffer much Dom ichneumon fites; their stock-inhibiting effecis is best demonstrated by the faci that almost 40x of the examined III 8 mines were infected by them. The parasites of LithocoIIetis species belong preponderantly to the Chalcidids ; I found Braconids only in the case of SO me seW Species. There WaS, howeVer, a Strong Braconid infection among L. comparella Z., L. froelichiella Z., and L. hleemannella F. Otherwise, Ι found Braconids in the mines of onlyL. Iantanella SCHRK., L. salicicornelia SORII., and a L. species son MaIusin. With regard to ali other species, Ι found Only Chalcidids, helice the parasites of Lithocolletis come o ut of mostly Chalcidid species Whilst Braconids hec omebut rarely important inhibitors of Lithocolletis.
It is also very instructive to study the specific number of ichneumonflies Dom any given Lithocolletis species. The rearings Os severat authors resulted in most interesting data. It waS found , namely, that so me of the Lithocolletis species are parasitiZed by numerOUS ichneumon sties. Thus, as also
to take into consideration the faci that, of the Braconids, I did not preserve ali specimens especialty in earlier times) and also that the majority of the animais were identisied but to a generic levet. Be as it may, it is stili instructive that I succedod to receive but three Chalcidid species both Dom Leucoptera Iotella SΤΤ., and PDIIocnistis xenia ΗΕ R., though Ι reared a large number of
Achrysocharis ovulorum RATZB. : Nepticula Ap. ex Quercus 2. Febr. 1954.