장음표시 사용
inter Se paullo Separatae. Sacculi utrinque 5. Setae genitales utrinque 6. Setae laterales exteriores tibiarum I. et patellarum I. Valde incrassatae. Pedes 1- unguiculati. Genus hoc generi Graiozeti primo Visu similis. Species typica : 'poetetes imitator SPQC. ΠOV. HypoZetes imitator Spec. nov. fig. 17 - 19. 3430Y293 μ. Sensillus leviter fusiformis, exteriora et Paullo anteriora versus directus, pilis minutis OrnatuS. Setae Ia ad latuS exterius Setulis crassiusculis, fere spiniformibus Ornatae. Setae ro exterius PiIOSulae. Setae dorsales pυ pu et Pa minimae, Setae reliquae mediocriter longae,
Setulae genitales utrinque 6, Setae 3 anteriores valde consertae. Pori iad marginem exteriorem Iaminarum genitalium fere attingunt. Comparationem cauSa Vide Speciem generis Ceratoretis indeterminatam
360 360 230 M. Sensillus anteriora et interiora VersuS directus, mediocriter longus, incrassatus. BOthridium ad angulum interiorem acutum. Setae in minimae, Setae Ia interiora et anteriora VerSuS directae, apicibus subcontingentibus. Setae ro desuper ViSae fere inconspicuae, PiIOSulae. Lamellae anteriora VerSus conVergenteS, tranSlamella Optime eXPreSSa ; cuSpides fere nullae. Lamellae a parte interlamellari propodOSOmatis ObSOlete tantum limitatae. Propodosoma et lamellae foveolis pallidis subrotundatis ornata. Ρteromorphae Peloptiformes, RVeolis Sat magniS, Optime eXPreSSis ornatae. Dorsum hySteroso maliS λVeOlatum. Setae dorsales utrinque 10, minimae ; areae PorOSae utrinque 4. Setae mS, ra, foramen glandulae abdominalis et area Porosa Ai inter Se Valde approximata et Omnia lateraliter dis- ΡοSitu. Scutum ventrale λVeolatum. Lamina genitalis Aetis utrinque 6 minimis ornata. Lamina unalis Setis utrinque 2 et foveolis rotundatis, paullo minoribus
Ι have described this interesting species Dom the Hungarian Collectionos the Hungarian Nationat Μuseum, in 1943. There Was no alcohol in the viai containing the specimens, it must have been dry for so me decades. Τhe majorityos the specimens is defective, some had their legs broken away. The Iahel of the viai reads as follows : DF. Torok, 1906. Ieg. : BIROQ. EVer since thedescription of the species, Ι searched diligently for it in Hungary, yet I neverfound it. When working out the Eastern African materials of ΚITTENBERGER, I was astounded to find severat specimens in the materials of both Κibostia and Arusha. The Eastern African animais and the Sole rem aining specimen Dom I943, the Holotype, agree completely With each other. On the basis of the above it seems probatile that the species lives in Africa, and that the specimens serving for the base of the description Hereput in the Hungarian Collection of the Nationat Μuseum by gome misi ake. SO, We have to conclude, un&rtunately, that PeIOribates humaricus BAL. Occurs at present Surely in Africa only, and that iis occurrence in Hungary
A part of the Iegs of the Holotype is wanting, and also the elaws of theremaining lega have broken aWay. Τhis is also the cause why I described the species as monodactylous in 1943, relegating it, on this ground , into the newgenus CapiIIozetes BAL. Since, however, the African specimens are ali tridactylous, and Since a more PalnStaking examination has Ahown that the has alportions Os ali three missing claws are stili present on the remaining Iegs of the Ηοlotype, the further preservation of the genus CapiIIozetes is notjustified. Accordingly, I regard it as a synonym of μIoribates. In the following, Ι herewith give the redescription and the respective figures Ofthe specie S.
567 - 594 425 - 486 μ. Sensillus sat longus, exteriora et Paullo POSte
riora Versus directus, ad apicem Paullo incraSSatus, Pilosus. Lamellae breves, RPicem VerSus attenuatae, fere acuminatae. Setae in Valde longae, sparsimciliatae ; setae Ia et ro multo breviores. Propodosoma foveolis minutis dense Ornatum. HySterosOma Subrotundatum, &Veolis minutis ornatum. PterO-mOrphae a latere visae longae, rotundato-triangulatae, dense foveolatae.
Setae dorsales utrinque 14, Omnes Valde longae, Sparsim ciliatae, leviter arcuatae. Setae ci et cu adsunt. Sacculi utrinque 4, Pori ia, in et in adsunt. Scutum Ventrale foveolatum, foveolae non dense dispositae. Lamina genitalis setis utrinque 5 armata, dimidium apicale rugis vel lineis irregularibus brevibus sculptum. Lamina analis setis utrinque 2 et foveolis minutis dis
Pelops forisIundi spec. nov. fig. 3Ι - 32.3452Y340 μ. Sensilius anteriora versus directus, ad dimidium apicale
leviter dilatatus, fusiformis, sub acutus, glaber. Setae in rostrum multo SuPerantes, ad apicem irregulariter undulato-denticulatae.
Setae dorsales utrinque 10 ; Setae Pa et Pa minutae, glabrae ἔ setae reliquae mediocriter longae, IeViter fusiformes, subtiliter pilosulae. Setae tiet te inter se valde remotae. Setae Pi Paullo breVioreS, quam Aetae reliquae exceptis setis p4 et P, Supradictis l). Laminae genitales Setis untrinque 6, Iaminae anales Aetis utrinque 2 instructae. Setae adi et adu Valde post foramen genitale dispositae, inter Se RPProximatiae.