Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 471페이지


분류: 미분류


Patiern more indistinet, Whiter ; in iis genital organ the costat appendage is much shorter. Τypes in the Collection of the Ηungarian Natural History


cannot decide whether trinacriella CAR. is identica1 and synonymous with cinerariella MN. , Or, On the Other hand, we have a new, hitherio undescribedand widely ranging Dcinerariella*-liine species. Only the examination of the


As DR. AΜSEL writes, and with right, the forewing of signatella is Stronglysuffused Mith grey, that of melitensis is chalhy white ; in the genital organ, signatella has a more arched costa of the valva, and the costat appendage isthicher, whilst melitensis has an almost straight costa and a Very thin RPPendage. So melitensis ΑΜS. is a good species, representing in Malta themuch more widely distributed signatella HS., ranging Dom Germany to MorOcco, and DOm Spain to the Near East.


notatus F.


bifasciatum F. 36. Doryctes obliteratus NEES - Eine in ganZ Europa heimis che Art. Ιhre Wirte sind Phymatoderus pusillus F., Petropium Gabrieli WEIssi und Ips pographus L. Ich Zog sie Ι 8. April I948 aus einer in Κis tape gesammelten Magdalis violacae L.