장음표시 사용
Patiern more indistinet, Whiter ; in iis genital organ the costat appendage is much shorter. Τypes in the Collection of the Ηungarian Natural History
cannot decide whether trinacriella CAR. is identica1 and synonymous with cinerariella MN. , Or, On the Other hand, we have a new, hitherio undescribedand widely ranging Dcinerariella*-liine species. Only the examination of the
As DR. AΜSEL writes, and with right, the forewing of signatella is Stronglysuffused Mith grey, that of melitensis is chalhy white ; in the genital organ, signatella has a more arched costa of the valva, and the costat appendage isthicher, whilst melitensis has an almost straight costa and a Very thin RPPendage. So melitensis ΑΜS. is a good species, representing in Malta themuch more widely distributed signatella HS., ranging Dom Germany to MorOcco, and DOm Spain to the Near East.
bifasciatum F. 36. Doryctes obliteratus NEES - Eine in ganZ Europa heimis che Art. Ιhre Wirte sind Phymatoderus pusillus F., Petropium Gabrieli WEIssi und Ips pographus L. Ich Zog sie Ι 8. April I948 aus einer in Κis tape gesammelten Magdalis violacae L.