장음표시 사용
Sicut Jc rex hodie est,& cras morioriar,nemo enim ex regibus aliud habuit. ECCLESIASTICI π
Francis I. os France, who is intended toform a strihing Contrast id the Emperor Μaximilian. His throne. s6m6 of fleurs-delis, me jaunty cap, or milier beret, and his well- known features, ali serve to render the identityunmistaheable. Ilis habituat dissipation is represented by the table, Covered with the delicacies of ari Ch banquet, among whicli the artist has stipped the hour-glass, while Death himself poum out sor him a copious libation os wine. It was this device, and iis contrast with that of the Emperor, combined with a similar contrast exhibited belween those representingilie Queen and the Empress, whicli probably madeit destrabie to conceat the artiSi's name.
weqiri iustificatis impium pro mNneribus,& iussitiam iusti auferti, abeo. E S A I E VMal potir uotis qui iustifim L inhumain,& plain de mλlice, Et par doris te sanctifiez, Ostant au iuste se iustice.
evidently seleCted sor the purpose of anathematiging the sale of Indulgences ; ' and the Cardinat is possibiy intended sor C etan, in theaci of selling a letter os Indulgen Ce to a perSonagewho extends his hand to receive it. On the other hand, it is possitile that the document, with iis many SealS, represenis the papal Bult by whicli the Cardinal represented in the device has been ne ly Created, while Death strihes him in the very moment of his elevation. The publiCation of this series o Curred just aster Luther had been denotan ced by the Facultyos Theology of Paris,. so that it is easy to ConceiVethat an artist who had recently painted the portrait of Luther and his wise, should not wisti his name toappear to a Work in Whicli the king os France and the dignitaries of the Church were so keenly satiriged.
While stoin the just ye do ali justice talae.
Gradientes in superbia potest Deus humili
And those that walli in pride he is able to
meanour of ladies who lead such lives as afford examples to their inferiors in rank.i This picture is evidently intended as a Contrast anil rebuke to the manners of the Fren Ch Couri, as ex hibited in the nexi subjeci. Maximilian, it is known, entertained the greatest halred and reseniment against France ; and as he was a great patron os artiSis, Hol-
bella had probably known him as an early patron, and had imbibed many of his nationat antipathies.
mulieres opulentae surgite,& audite vocem meain.POsit dies,& annum,&VOs condurm, hemini. I SAIAE N X X r I
Dauilliters os rank and wealth, arise l