Hans Holbein's celebrated Dance of death : illustrated by a series of photo-lithographic facsimiles from the copy of the first edition now in the British Museum : accompanied by explanatory descriptions and a consise history of the origin and subsequ

발행: 1868년

분량: 193페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


Dispeνdam iudicem de medio



N this device the ricli Canon, attended by his salconer, is summoned to his sate as he is entering thechurch to persor his usual devotions. The grim smile with which Deathholds the liour-glass in front of him, as he wallisto arda the portat, is Very Strihingly managed, and the prominent aspect of the ominous symbol thus held in front of him, defining itself Willi impressive distinciness against a broad light on one of the stone ColumnS, is very artisticatly devised. The easy and luxurious lives of the Canons, who held a sori os semi-ecclesiastical position, is Weli illus- itrated in George Sands' striking story of Consueto.


Callidus vidit malum,& abse5dit se

innocens,Pertransi rinc afflictus est

damnos Q U BR. xx I I

I 'homine cauit a tieu la malice Potir l'innocent se ire obliger,

Et puis par uoye de iustice Lit uenu te paxiure affliger.


Description V Demice I 8 .

no more.


A prudent man sereseeth the evit, and hiclethhimself ; but the simple pass on, and are

ΗΕ verses of the French author are eX- tremely obSCure, and appear almost likea misunderstood translation of the Latintexi, to Whicli the Englisti translation hasbeen made to adhere somewhat more Closely. The subjeci evidently represenis an Advocate in the act of receiving a see stom a ricli client ; but in the moment

The cautious man, with malice ever keen,

The simpler in his grasp will tightly bindBy legat cunning. and has eVer been The hard oppressor of his poorer hind.


Qin obturat aurem suam ad clamorem pauperis,& ipse clamabit,& non exauc


Mais Dieu uous sera la pareille.


shasis of satire at ali classes in this sirihingseries of subjecis, have been more hard uponthe churchman and the lawyer than any other Classes. Here is another hit at the legat pro-kSSion, SomeWhat analogous to that of the last device, but more Severe. The legal Counsellor is in such deep Consultation with a ricli mercliant, that he does not in the least perceive the pleading of the poorbeggar, Who is plucking at his richly surred Cloah. A demon-imp is at the fame moment bio ing astute advice into his ear, which he communicates to his riChClient. In the mean time Death has crepi in belweenthe lawyer and the dealer, an d, ali unseen, holdS up the liourvitass in token that the time is at hand, andis also furnished with a sexton's spade, denoting that the summons is immediate, and a grave require twithout delay.


Vae qui dicitis malum bonum,& bonum messi,

ponentes tenebras lucem,& lucem renebras, Ponentes amarum dulce,& dulce in amarum.


HIS satirical criticism os the Preacher represenis the antagonistic stelings of aperiod of transition. With the Resormer, thepreaCher, pulting dareness besore licti Vt would represent the Romisti priest, While a Papist would at once interpret the device in his lashion, as representing the innovative Reformer. In either case Death is in attendance, claiming his victim in the midst of his ministrations. The device has evidently been conceived in a Protestant spirit, for the Sheleton Weam, in mockery, the stole of the Roman Catholic priest ; and exhibiis above the head of thecloomed preacher the closed jaws of a skuli, whichwili never more open to emit the found of a humanvoice. The artistiC treaiment of the Congregation, stom the man dropping olf to fleep against the pulpit, to the smallest of the figures in the more distant groups, is most masterly and characteristic in design.


Fac simile of Dorice .

Sum quidem dc ego mortalis

homo. 1 A P. VII

Ie porte te iam ' sacrement

ictant te mourant secor is, ori mortet suis parentem erit. Et comme luy me fauit motirir.

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