장음표시 사용
Spiritus meus attenuabitim,dies mei Bre. Miabuntur,& selum niihi supercst sep
sunk almost below his shoulders, and thatos Death, who guides him gently to artis an OPen grave in a Cemetery, While playing anair upon an instrument resembling a Cithara, areboth strihingly conceived. That of the old manmust, in deed, have been floating in the artistic mindos Rethel when he composed his celebrateil Deaththe FriendV as a companion to his Death the Enemy. There is a calmness in the generat treatinent of this Subjeci, Whicli sorms a very goothing contrast to thegrim enero and sardonio hilarity with which thedestroyer Subdues his more robust and obstinate victimS.
Ducunt in honis dies suos, cin puncto ad inferna deoscendunt. I Ο a XX i
interesting by the caresul manner in Whichthe rich costume of the day is represented. as Keil as by the generat composition, Whicli, though simple, is very effective. In this instam e it is not intended that Death should be absolutely sei gingupon the bride or bridegroom as they return stomilie altar, as is the case in other series, in Whicli theimage of Death is represented in the act of tearing them afunder ; but, On the contrary, he is only present in the form os a Warning, that, hoWever great their happiness may be, it must end in eventual separation, though the time may yet be distant, asindicated by the hou Hass, in Whicli the sands of life are stili plentilat in the upper Part.
Ne descendi as a ton platsir. Car Mors t aura tantost dompte,
HIS subject is, perhaps, the least SUCCeSS- sully treated of the whole of this series, and yet the design is in many respeCis SoartistiC that it can scarcely be considereo the work of an inferior hand. The dissiculi position of the figure, in the act of preparing to lie down, is wellmanaged, and the action of Death tugging at the bed- Clothes is extremely graphic, the figure being rendered
more gliastly by the long hair stili adhering to the lshuli, indicating, possibiy, that it is that of a once
beautissit Woman. The head of the sheleton playing the violin is rendered more grim and terribie in iis aspect by being placed in the Mad -the form of the dark shuli coming out strongly against a white wall. This engraving has the initials Η. L. , a mare Which hasled to much discussion, but which may possibly be thatos the engraver, and not that of the artist ; the treat-ment of the culting being in laci somewhat different.