장음표시 사용
his Son and successor bearing the Same name, the
instrumentar Witnes to charters
anii det ined in prison the prolato ho in 1461 hadbeen th apologis for his remissiles in the performane of his laudat obligations. Tho dath of ames I. ad ni temporari lyinterrupted the negotiations in aris to hiel, allusion has been ad 0. In a m00ting of the
See infra page lxxvii. The sealsos in Christier and of at theabove named Scottisti commissioners had been originali appende tothis document; ut that os an, the hancellor of the dioces of
as exhibens super scuto tres rosas impositas tente striate a dextris oblique,' Or, in VernacularphraSeology, a beta erigi ailed charged With three roses. Insuri'sseat attache to the roya mamage contraci, although the impressionis tolerably harp, the editor candiscern D tracemi in roses.
in Ortine a least there is no specifi0d limitationo tim for the redemption of the pledge.
coronation too place in November following. The Exchoque adcounts of the audit immediately llowing the marriage and coronation that o 1470,
r0eeive a certa in meaSurem incidental corrobora
PREFACE. xliii tinctio as ne of the combatant in the ourna