장음표시 사용
Pages 120 190, 191, 253, 3I 2, 390, 66 546.
Page 630. He was a lord i Partiament a Lor Sinclair asciarbaeli as 1449 and the use of that titi by him, and by his grandson by his eides son, in a documen Oi1487 printe fro in the origina in them in charter-chest in the Antiquities of hires of Aberdeen and Banis, Spalii in Club iii. p. 103), sufficiently disproves the contentionthat he had div0sted himself, italong illi the aridom os Catth- nesS, and that when artiament in 1188 deelared that the grandSOnwas rightiui uir to the digni tybelongin t his grandiather an dland connected illi it after the formo the charter an evidenta made thereupon,' it conserred onhim a ne titte i hon0ur. Itsollows there re that hen the charteris 1677 confirmed tho illo os Lord inelai to a ne serie Osheirs illi the old recedensse theprecedenue Os the dignit granted by ames II mus have been meant. It is no meant here toindicate any opinion o the further question, aised by M Riddeli Peerage LaW, p. 5), hether, in the absenc os an mention os a resignation in the Crown harier,it an e presume that thoorigina dignit Was transferrento the ne heirs, and whether it ma not stili have a separate existence in the person of the heir itine or hei malu os the originalsamily.
There Seenis ver reason to belleve
Countes of Buchan, hom in consideration of his reukles and prodigal character, his ather considere it necessar to passive in the succession to the aridom os Catilines in favour os the son os his second marriage, rutSO named
Norowegie et commissario eorundem in t an X-tent that ras considered to arrant an abalement
Bollenden's translation ofBoece' History, original edition,
1. David Ear os Strathern 2. Euphemia Countes os Strathern
3. Euphemia Gratiam 1 Robert III.
tho par of the ne Metropolitan may in partaeeouut for the altitude of the mas of the clergylowariis him. Thomas pens, Bishomo Aberdeen, Succeede in obtaining a Bult o dato 14th Februar 1473-4, exempting that se durin his lilatim from the jurisdictionis the Metropolitan. λΑ papal Nuneio sunt to Suotlaudis the eques of
liave committet grave ecclesiastical offences in consideration of hieli 0 as deposed and Sentencedo perpetuat imprison ment; and he
latur Metropolitan, as an ossister
Aecounts of Treasurer os Scot-land i. p. 18, 28.