Rotuli scaccarii regum Scotorum = The Exchequer rolls of Scotland

발행: 1878년

분량: 846페이지


분류: 미분류


Mundole Mondoile), sermes of 219, 21; decreas in o. 82, 115 221, 302, 367, 408, 21, 578.

496. Mure Adam, his accounts a Chamberlaino GalloWay, 88, 162, 14, 286, 339, 416, 488 604 his fee, 90 164, 216,287, 343, 20 490, 605 paid for extra Services, 166, 216, 288, 345,


714 INDEX.

249 309, 382 458, 10, 23.

Friar dolin, Viear Generalis Dominicans in Scotland 239 640. Si Robert, Dean os Lismore, accountos, a receive os lordshi of Strathern,


241, 284, 12, 485 559 o milis os Manuel, o Menteith, 66, 7, 171, 232, 273, 346, 31, 565 o mill os Strathgariney, 68, 171, 233, 273, 347, 422, 566 GalloWay, 90, 166, 216,288, 341, 20, 90, 606 of if0, 2, 176, 230, 290, 371, 11, 495 500, 568 os mill os ut0, 161, 451, 26, 17 oi


7 16 INDEX.

salconer, 441.


8 3.

Walter of Auchlevin procurator of

iron to 120.

auditor 1, 266, 326 instrumentaryWitness, 10 oeeperii Priv Seal 224, 240 275, 26, 363 accountis, a lessee of Orkney an Shetland 224, 275 363; hides of Κing sent to France With, 251, good sent to releas his properi in France lost, 255. Memoray, Bishopos.


Ornitastolin Ormelestouilein, Termes Os, 218, 20. Ormonile forester os, sermos os his rost, 184.

by 80 156, 237, 363, 52, 53, 28.


Partihil o Bothwell, ferme os, 50 1 gruntod with mea low o I 0rd Hamilton in exultango sor ii hundris, 175, 21, 278, 359.

andris, 175, 224, 278, 359. Partia ment os 1466, xxxi of Ma 1474,lvi o August 1474, 259 of 1476,

in respect o fame offence a vin been punished in justice-ayre at 480, 585 cases of hil ling deeri person not within Fores tora trie at justice-ayre at 581 fines of inhabitant os, at Bound Cour tremitted 587


129, 195, 257, 14, 383, 549, 27;

a Edinburg and bout custom Ossalmon, 257 in at 373 custumarsos, sine for absenc fro Exchequer, 549. Perili, Carthusian Monaster of Vallis Virtutum at annuit to, rom fermes

Petieauch, fermes of 336.

land , fermes an os mill i, 227, 492. Pelluntly sermes of 537.


Bonnoch, and annaquilare, account os



os Ward i Weed 46, 139, 10, 268, 353, 478, 58x his se Doni Redehede, 47, 140 211, 269, 353, 33, 479 586 Blindlee et to, illi leave to keep

Pullis PoWis, aulis , fermes of 50 1 59, 242, 279. 281, 282, 327, 329 330 428, 503, 562 annuit irom, o Abbo os Culross, 40, 159. 243 280. 328, 428,

50 4 562. Pultirlandis, remisSion os teneli ut os, to Sir Alexander aper 28. Pulty Patricli, Prior of Dominicans of Αyr. 112, 322, 471, 35. Purdy, Patrioli, Κing'ibaher, heat lo 96,572, 573 ferme os mill an eas part



os Strathmigia to 177, 230, 290, 37I,

Dean o Dunbar, Secretary, auditor 1, 401 Archileaconis Lothian, Secretary, auditor 139, 266 instrumentar Wit-


722 INDEX.

Spoliis, 163, 15, 286, 12, 19 488,605 do. aid by his occupatio of