Rotuli scaccarii regum Scotorum = The Exchequer rolls of Scotland

발행: 1878년

분량: 846페이지


분류: 미분류


93, 177, 231, 291, 371, 445, 498, 590;

referre. to 133, 374, 377, 443 518 his arrears, 599; his iee, 15, 15, extra all0Wane to 415 sermes os certain lauditation by 183, 374 378, 13, 14; his se a Leeperi Red Casile, 375, 379; os In vernes Casile, 375, 379, 14, 14, 600 claim fermes of Sehessili as in Ba lenoch, 377, 13, 15, 14, 15; fermes of Urquliari an Clen moris henassigne to for his pension, 15, 16,515, 600 his seu With ar o Ross,

II ad lington, I 23. Inglis, Mastur Alexander, Clorh Legister, 266, 26, 401, 476 559, 38 subdeano Dunkeld 266; hancello of Aberdeen, 326, 401 Dean o Dunheld, 476 559; auditor 266, 26, 401, 476 559 com

Ingrahamysland Ingeramys Lande), fermes of 49, 159, 212, 279, 327, 27, 503, 561. Intak0, 84, 85 148, 166, 22, 282, 295. Inneraloune ferme os, 49, 159, 12, 279, 281, 282, 327, 329 330, 28, 503, 561; paymen to Alexander Lamby o Duncan sor hali os do. 50 1 59, 243 280, 328 428, 50 4 562 fermes of allo edto Jolin Κirhwod 282, 283.


694 INDEX.

347, 33. Inuertexviii. See Imertyewin. Iuneryelye Euneryellyclit), fermes of 360; decreas in do. 56, 7 169. Innes, ames, of that Illa, salmon Dom


-- rom Duchray, 33, 565 do, grantedio Eligabeth unbar, 1 173, 235, 273, 349, 23, 34 567.

560. constable os See Sparti, Thomas.

Alexander, O Drum, render account

181 233, 273, 274, 286, 287, 313, 3ά8,


374, 375, 378 380 414, 22, 25, 462,

508, 534, 66 600, 37, XXX vii, XXX viii, xliii. Jamus III. Ear of Ortino liis p ut irilia n, xxxviii liis ni arria : with Murgaret os

58, 1, 5, 131, 149 ullo ei custom Ostiis solis nil hidos, 191 annuit somasses sor his soli by Dominicans os Edinburgh, 239; his revocation, 253,

408, 50 4 519, 541, 562, 22, 28 hisunkingi qualities, xviii his devotion

his servant and Orses Sentrio France,

of 104, 206, 260, 23, 398, 470, 37;


696 INDEX.

405, 13, 11; receives paymetit os seruies of Dundonat for custod of


of bailies of Humphrey os Culqu-hone 99 Si David Guttire of that Hk, 225 Alexander Guthre os that Hk, 276, 357, 24, 16, 91 lettingland of 516. Κinea vili Uineavet, yncavet WithmeadoW, sermes of 62, 151, 12, 304,332 401, 10, 601 do barie an Oat, 62, 152, 212, 304, 332, 402, 10, 602; annuit Dona, to Jolin albouer, 3, 152 to illiam rumpet 63, 152, 212, 305, 333, 404, 11, 602 grassums


698 INDEX.

lain os 155, 237, 307, 362, 52, 27,

133, 197, 258 319,Κintra Κyntra), arte fermes of 85, 148, 22, 303, 368, 10, 26, 79.


M Biriny Vertiae), 89, 163, 15, 287, 342, 20, 89 605.



3 7, 10, 14, 16, 18, 24, 25, 26, 28, 34, 35 36, 37, 38 40, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 112 114, 130; attestation

phrey Murray, 56 his receipt ior Prior o St AndreWs, 109; auditor 1, 139, 266, 26, 401, 476 rectoris Newlandis and Cler Register, 139. Se Glasg0

249 309. Lumbariisyarde Lambardisyarde . Me Fidiariserost. Lambryde, annuit irom, o hapta in in

Elgin Cathedra founde by late baronos Lambryde, 82, 144 220, 301, 366, 407, 23, 577.

Lambryde, sermes o Haltour os, aikmyltoune, mill an cottage of 218, 521.

Lambs soglammys Dor Et tricli Forest, 42 46, 100 140, 141, 142, 207, 209, 210, 267 268, 270, 353, 355, 356, 31, 434, 36, 77, 478 482, 583, 586 587; mone value of 102, 141, 142, 143, 209, 10, 211, 268, 269, 270, 354, 356, 357, 33, 36, 439, 78, 80, 83, 585, 586, 90.

159 243 280 328, 28, 50 1 562.

Lanark, accounts of bailies of 104, 201, 262, 322, 469, 552, 33 payments romidrmes of to Hospital irat Leonard at, 104, 201, 262, 322, 470, 552, 33 fine of bailies of for absence Doni Exchequer, 469; do remitted 470 chamberlain-ayres in 15, 104 fines in do remitted,

Shoris of 174, 224. Landalis Landellis), Alan pepper annual-rent of his tenement in lachness, 2, 152, 212, 304, 332 402, 510, 602. -- Jolin, latet ous in Blachnes and Stoesauld grante to 153, 213, 305, 333, 404. Lanerky Latiarke , stir, fermes of 347, 582. Ostrenny of sermes of 68, 347, 532 Langbyre, fermes of 501.


Leanoeli ferme os, 360. Lechola fermes of 360.



Lepers ea Stirling, payments 0, 246, 284, 331. Lermonili, Alan Alani the Avery), aisto, 97, 98, 182 paymen to sor foditer

329, 359, 390, 24, 31, 448, 12, 35, 511, 17, 18, 551, 561, 580, 598, 25;

329, 334, 335, 338, 339, 343, 349, 350, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 36 1 362, 361, 367, 372, 373, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388 390, 391 392, 393, 391 395, 396 397, 398, 399 400 404 405, 408, 409, 11, 20, 423, 25, 26, 27, 29, 33, 35 439, 443, 444 446, 53 451, 456, 457, 458, 460, 61, 462, 463, 64, 65, 466, 467, 468, 469, 70, 71, 72, 473, 474 475, 478, 479, 80, 83, 485, 87, 489, 98, 502, 50 4 505 509, 10, 12, 13, 16,517, 19, 20, 24, 25, 28, 30 534, 535 536, 10, 541, 542, 543 541, 5465έ8, 549, 550 552, 553, 554 555 556557, 558, 563, 564, 65 567, 571, 572573, 575 578, 579 58 2, 583, 585 586589, 590, 592, 604, 605, 10, 611, 13614, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 6426 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32 633634, 635, 36, 37, 38, 39 640 com

562. Lethinii in Navar, fermes L 10. iti arviaeli, gilt spur reddendo of, 77, Letting rown and in Stirlingshire, I,