장음표시 사용
In Americair Guest is an extraordinarii popular riteros verses, though this is his firs introductio in hoo formio the ritis public He rim ove With ound ense an tonio cheeriness. Hecisaeent sensibi of the humouro domestio lila, ut is deepi sympathetic it theassociations hic combine in the word mome. ence heris readi Women ith amusemen and pleasure. During the war his poem Uriai the orkman to the oldier, circulate by the hundred thousand. ike Berangeran ali successsu poets, he is essentiali inical: thatis say, 'heres i. tune and 4Wini in inlr his verses.
Major Marti Hume o prepare a Series of volumes hyexperis o the outh America Republios, ut titile interest ad been alien in the country as a possibi fieldsor commercia development. The hie reason sor iliis Were ignorance a to the trade conditioris and the variodreSources os the ountry, and the generat tires and instabilit os mos os the overtaments With the conaingos the Solith American Series of handbooks the nanciat World egan to realige the importarie of the Ountry, and with more fetile Conditions hega in earnestio develo the remarkable natura refources hichawalle ouiside enterprise. Undoubtedi the ostinsormative book o the Various Republies are those include in 11 SoUΤΗ ΜΕRICA SERIES, ach sWhicli is the wor os a recogniZed authorit On his subjeci.
exhaustius, intorestin account, not oni o tho turbulent histor of this country, ut o tho present condition an seoming prospeets.' Nesimi ter Gazette.
Tho ook is mos comprehensive tho history, politica, topography, inci tries, reso ces an possibilities sing mos ablydiscussed. The Financia News.
aho hos an mos comprehensive o recent oris onino greates an mos progressivo i tho Republica i outh America. ancheδter Guardian.