Novissima verba: last words 1920

발행: 1921년

분량: 251페이지


분류: 미분류


An obvious nam is that o Queen Victoria. Butto that there are three objections It oes no freeus at ali froni the foretgn families, rommolien-

armies in the fieid. He was illi his me in Franee he was illi his eamen in the Fleet. From the firstdays of August, 1914, to the las days of Ovember, 1918, in George an his famil fought, orked, spolie, and lived asio Englisti in ever et did.

I say that it ould e a jus tribute by the nationi memor o ali it wes' him an to his ii ing



dynasty With admirabie judgmenta has himselfcast 1 ali uitandis famil names, has calle hisown themotis of Windsor, an his collaterat byfamilia Englisti place-names . et Parhament, then, castis ouilandisti prinees as havin an elaim to theblood-royali England Notini has the war givento in George a part that has neve been ille byan kin sine the Conquest, ut his persona recordas a devoted publie servant and truly good man standsabove them all. I am nolourtier and Iino no moreos Couris than the an in the street; butis an historia Lean recal no other Englisti hin sine Alfredwho as stainles in very phase of public diat and domesticate, ho was in very aspectis hingshi allthat shouldi the real Head of the State and the firstgentieman in England . And we have the fame liopes in his famil so the future. o Prince, netther Richard the Crusader,

personalit an his ubiquit have illuminale the institutionis princedom and have knit up the Empire asnothingiefore has done Burke sat John Howardita made a circumnavigation o charity. The


the Same time, a pompotas apparatus o form and


ior ever during ive years of War 'heiragilian and the Chines some ear earlier. But ver the civilised Wori republies have been taking the place of monar hies. Whend was a school the oni republicin urope a the wiss. There are no abolit adΟZen, Overing two-third of the whole Continent. EXcept Ouriwn the ni Thrones of the large Statesare thos o Ital and Spain and Deither promises much supporto the monarchi principie Forhali a centur republies have been supplantingmonarehieS. The War chaos, and the e Orderhave create a landsside in savour o democraticrepublies. omne caniolandion here being an kingstest at the end of the century. When ouine haVeaecepte unlimite democracy the inevitable te is the RepubliC. No there are in the Unite Κin dom two main aspecis to the monarchi problem The irst is the


taith in in and Prince is the ne remaining ondo union and in Canada, e Zealand India, it is agoverning sin os incalculabi power. Against his mustae piat the faet that the republiean de is deepset in Ireland in paris os colland in the north and centre o England in Australia, in ovili Africa, and

even in London blages out With revolutionar violence suci a Cabineis an Parhament preter o ignorerather han to crusti. It is in vain to reat his asmerely the explosionis extremisis. Beliind themthere is in the democrae a deep, Widespread indomitable aith in the republio a the norma formisithe State in ali three ingdonis and verseRS.

belleve that both sides of this problem of

b styled thei Hereditar Chiet. The historio halo



dynasty of thei glorious ounder, illiam the Silent, as thei hereditar Head. ur dynast has a longe an a more splendi stor to record Iidemostra y, a seems inevitabie, illiso standaings, the invaluabie traditions of loyalty might yetae preserved in a Royalmouse. The style of ou Heia in an ne Acti Settiement ouldi :Hereditur Chie of the Unite Common wealths. word acto eaeli par of this titie. resident is a temporar an bour eois omee and eXcept in V. S. A., With no tradition or lamou abolit it at all. Hereditar Chie is a titie wellanown in colland in Africa, in India. Commonwealth is a fine old Eng-lisli,ord, and is fre from associations ith Latin and Freneli republies. The plural Commonwealths ould remind me of the an nations in thesesisland and of Overseas nations whorioin unde the fame flag. emight avoid the nam Britisti, hieli, even more than Englisti, a meet racia antipathies in reland asEnglislii Saxon would do in Seotland and in Wales and British may have an irritating sound in Australia, in ovili Africa, in India. Inite Common-

twentieth centur wil se the en os euda institutions, et iis ope by a eaeeful evoliitio into farbroade socia institutions. The Crown is a typical institutionis eudatism, a much in iis chivalrous side




France, 101-106, 169-177. Frederia the reat, 15.


Obiter Scripta, 1919, 9, 146. Obscurantiam, 165. Ochlocracy, Atheni an, 180. Palestine. 87-90, 142. Parii ament. Reiorm ii. 122, 135, 189-195.

Philosophy. Englist. His torv