The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, M.DCCC.IX

발행: 1809년

분량: 533페이지


분류: 미분류


Spongia, Spongia ossicinalis. Sponge. S. N. G. 382O. Stannum, Tin Filings.


50 MATERIA MEDICA Styracis Balsamum, styrax ossicinale. Storam Batiam. The Latiam. S. P. W. ii. 623. M. B. t. 7 I.

Sulphur, Sulphur. Noli Sulphur. Sulphur sublimatum, Sublimed Sulphur. Sublimed Sulphur.



MATERIA MEDICA. 51 Taraxaci Radix, Common Dandelion

Terebinthia Chia, Cyprus Turphntine. Terebinthy vulgaris,

Common Turpentine.

Terebinthihaeoleum Oil of Turpentine.

E. 2


MATERIA MEDICA.Τragacantha, Astragalus Verus. Tragacanth. The Gum. Olivior Voyag. dansl Empire Ottomano S. Ρ. V . iii. I 32 S. M. B. t. 98.

We are indebled to the prench traveller above cited sorthe discovery that the gum Tragacanth of commerce, is thoi produce of a species of Astragalus not besere known. It igdescribest and figured in the fifth volume of Olivier's Gaveis, under the name of Astragalus veras, heing different both. fiom the A. tragacantha of Linnaeus, and Dom the A. g- misera os Labillardiere. It grows in the north of Persia. .

S F. B. 878. Valerianae Radix, Valeriana ossicinulis Greut milii Valorian Nood.)



Veratrum album. The Lost. S. Ρ. g. iv. 89 S. M. B. t. IOO. Viola odoratu. S. R W. i. II 63. M. B. t. 8 I. S. F. B. 2 S.

Spanish White Wine, called in Englisti,

III mus campestri. The inner LariuS. Ρ. IV. i. I 324. M. B. t. Ι 97. S. F. B. 28 I. Vitis vinis I B. The prepared Fruit. S. Ρ. W. i. II 8 O. M. B. t. I9S.


Zingiberis Radix,



Adetum distillatum. P. L. 1787. Ρ. L. 1 15. P. L. I 20.

Vinegar is prepared in this country as an article os trade, by a second fermentation os infusion os mali whicli has pre-viously undergone the spirituous fermentation ; and to those solubie extraneolis substances whicli the vegetable matter iiseu supplius, there are others commonly added by the manufacturer, such as sulphuric acid and colouring matter. The object


of the present process is to separate these, and to obtain theacetic acid in a diluten state, and of an uniform and sum cient strength. The use of glass vesseis is directed to do a Way the possibili ty of the solution of either copper or lead, to the contact of whicli metals the acid as exposed is prepared in tho Ordinary stili; yet, notwithstanding this haution, it mill hefound , froin the csnvenience of iis application to the preparation os larger quantities, that the common copper stili, with a peWter Worna, is most frequently employed. In thedistillation a great heat is not to be applied, it should onlybe susscient to keep the liquor moderately boiling, whichil begins to do at 2l2'; sor is the heat be urged farther, orcontinued too long, it gives the distilled acid an empy-

reumatic smeli and taste whicli it ought not to posscss. The first pari Whicli passes over on distillation is the water, stightly impregnated With acid; and, in ordor that the more acid partwhicli subsequently folio ins may be stronger, the srst one- eighth is directed to be thrown aWay, and the UeXt SIX- eighths Whicli pass form the acclic acid of the Pharmacopoeia;

the remaining one-eighth in the retori contains the saline, colouring, and mucilaginous matters, the sulphuric acid, and some acetic acid also, in a more concentraled state thantinat whicli has actualty passed over; but the greator heat which would be required for iis distillation would produce, by decomposition of the vegetable matter With whicli it is Combined, a strong empyreumatic smeli and flavour, lihethat acetic acid whicli is actualty obtained in higher temperatures by distillation of wood or other vegetable substances. The acid thus prepared is considered to be sumetiently strongsor est medicat purposes; there re, no seconii process is noW given, as formerly was, sor obtaining a stronger acidby decomposition of any of those salts into whose composition it enters; especialty since it is ascertained, that there


Hores Benzoes, P. L. 1787. Flores Benzoini, P. L. I 720.


and ndit the muriatio ac id gradunt ly untii itceases to produce a precipitate. Lastly

in a gentie heat: put it into a pro per ve8Sel placed in a sand buth, and by a very genues re sublime the Bengoie ac id.

BenzoIn is a concrete balsam, consisting of a peculiar acidmixed with resin ; this acid is called Bengoac, and it is the o ject of the present process to separate it. I Wo methods have been employed by Chen sis for this purpose; one, by sublimation, and the other, precipitation Dom some of iis solubie compound s. The fi si gives a foliated acid, whicli requiresto be sublimed at least thrice, and pressed after each sublimation belween biotting paper, in order to obtain crystals White, and Dee frona any adherent essentiat Oil, and this Wasthe process adopted in the Pharmacopoeia of 1787. The secondylelds the acid by precipitation froin some of iis solubie com- pounds formed for this purpose, and the College have nowadopted the method directed by Scheele. It consisis in form-ing a bongoate of lime, and then precipitating the benZoicacid in a pulverulent forin by muriatic acid, the muriate of Iime remaining dissolved in the liquor. This precipitate is asterWards sublimed onceto give it the usus foliated crystalline form. The Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia forms a benZoate offoda, precipitates the acid by sulphuric acid, and after ardscrystalliges it by solution in hol mater, Whicli dissolves alarger quantity than cold. Doyeux and others have considered botling tho bonetoin in water, fitering the liot solution, and alloWing the acid to separate as it coois, to bosum cient. Chaptat advises, that the produci of the su