The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, M.DCCC.IX

발행: 1809년

분량: 533페이지


분류: 미분류


. S. F. B. 9o . Antimonii Sulphure- Sulphuret os antimony


Stilphuret of Antimony. Argentum, Resined Silvcr.

Amylum, Staroh of Wheat. Anethi Semina, Dill Seed. Anisi Semina, Miseed. Anthemidis flores, Common Chamomile


MATERIA NEDICA. Armoraciae Radix,

Assu foetidae Gummi


Assa foetida Gum Resi

This is the plant described and figured by Ketemplar in

his Amoenitates Exoticae , whose fidelity has never been im- peached, and whose account of the species yielding that valvable drug is to be considered as at least equalty admissible With any other. The plant xaised by Dr. Hope, of Edilaburgh, Dom seeds sent to Dr. Guthrie, of St. Peters- burg, hom the mountains of Ghian, in Persia, is certainlydisserent, and noW bears the nanae of Perula Persica milia denom, Sp. Plant. ; but both one and the other may be sup- posed to yield a similar juice, and the disi erence of the species is not to be Wondered at, as the Porula Assafoetidagrows in the fouili os Persia, and the Persica in the noriti.


Balsamum Peruvia- Myroxylon Peruiserum. num, The Latiam. Peruvian Latiam. S. P. IV. ii. ca6. M. B.

Balsamum Tolutarium, Toluifera Balsamum Tolu Latiam. Bella donnae Folia,

The Latiam. S. P. V . ii. S S. M. B. Atropa Belladonna.

M. B. t. I.


Bistorta, Great Bistors. Styrax Bengoin. The


Τhis Oil Was supposed to be the produce of Melaleuca Leueaden ron, but it appears hom specimens of the tree yielding the true C uputi, sent home by Μx. Christopher Smith, that the species is different, and reserable to tab. 17, of Rumphius's Herbarius Amboinense vol. ii. , and not to that auri thor's Arbor alba,'' tab. 16. Aster a carent examinationos specimens In Sir Ioseph Banks's, and other collections by Dr. Maton, and of those in the Linnaean Herbarium by Dr. Smith, Me are authorizod lo consider the tree which Iieldsthe above oti as a nem species, and, hom the name.of iis medicinal produci, those gentiemen have agreed to give to ix the appellation of Haleuca Caseputi. ,




Columba Eoo t. Impure Carbonate ofZin C. Acorus Calamus. The Loot. S. P. IV. ii. I99. M. B. t. 173.

S. F. B. 373 The Noot of a Plant nol

The naine of Oh H Ot, by Whicli this article has hitherio been known in our silops, seems to have had iis origin in the supposition that the root Was brought to us stom Odylon; a supposition apparently strengthened by the similarity in sound of the Portuguese appellation os Calumba to the name of thel principat tom of that istand. It being a staple expori Withthe Portiaguese, the place of groWth Was carnilly con aled, i and the plant itself Was unknown to bolanista, untii very lately, when it was raised at Madras Dom a root brought to Dr. James Anderson, of that place, Dom MoZambique. From at dra ving in the possession of the Linnaean Society, the planti appears to be of the natural order of Monospermum, but thel genus cannot be determined, in consequence of the feni leflowers not having been as yet Seen.

Stalagmitis Cambogi-- dides. The Gum


Carbo Ligni,


Cardaminti Flores, Cuchom Flo er. Laurus Camphorn. A peculiar concrete Substance prepared

From an accurate description of the plant producing this valvabie aromatic, communicated to the Linnaean Society byMr. White, Surgeon os Madras Who, folloWing the cxample


MATERIA MEDICA.25 of other botanicat writers, improperly refers it to the genus Amomum , it has been thought necessary to place the Ca damom under a neW genus, Whicli Dr. Maton has named Eleuaria, Dom the appellation os Elatiari, originalty given tothis tribe by Van Rheede, in his Hortus Malabaricus.


The essentiat Oil of the


MATERIA MEDICA. Cassiae Pulpa, Cassia fistula,

S. Ρ. W. ii. SI 8.M. B. t. 163. Castoreum, Castor Fiber, Russian Cossor. Λ peculiar concrete


MATERIA MEDICA. 27 Ceiaceum, PhySeter macroceph Cetaceum, called lus,niaceti. A peculiar concrete



These names of our three medicinal bulis of the gemis Cinchona were originalty given in a publication, entilled, Papia Periodico de tanta Fe l792ὶ, by Dr. Μutis, Who, stom a residence of more inan sorty years in Solath America, hau



Cinnamdmi CorteX, Cinnamon Barh. Cinnamomi Oleum,

Cinnamon Oil. COCCUS, Cochinees.

Colchici Radix,

M. B. t. 27. Iis essentiat Oil. Coccus Cacti. G. S. N. 222 O. Colchicum autumnale,

S. F. B. 399-