장음표시 사용
ΟΝ the 26thi Januar 1857 the aster of the Bolis submitte 1 to the reasury a proposai so the publicationos materiat so the Histor of this Country froin the Invasionis the Roman to the Reigni Henry VIII. Themaster of tho Rotis suggested that these materials
shouldi selected sor publication unde competent editorswithout referetice to periodicat o Chronological arrangement Without mutilation o abridgment, referen celeinggiven in theirs instance, O such materiai as ere OSt Scarce and Valuabie.
He proposed that ach chronicie or historical documentio be edited hould e reated in the samo Way as is hoeditor ere engaged on an Editio Princeps nil for his purpos the mos correct teX should e sormed hominii accurate collationi the best ΜSS. To rende the orti more generali uses ut the aster of the olis suggested that the editor hould give an account of the SS. employed by him, of thei age and thei peculiarities' that he hould adii to the work atrios account of the lisse nil times of the author, and any
Tho ortis to e publiined in octavo, separatob, a Sthe were finished the hole responsibilit of the tushrestin Upon the editor 8, ho ere to e chosen by the Master of tho Rotis illi the sanctio of the reasury. The Lord o Her Majesty' Treasury, aster a Caresulconsideration of the subjeci, expressed thei opinion in a Treasur Minute, dated Februar 9, 1857 that the planrecommended by the aster of the olis was ellcalculatet for the accomptishment of this important national object in an essectual and Satisfactor manner, Withi a reasonable time, an provided prope attention bepaid o conomy, in mining the etailed arrangemenis,
The expressed thei approbation of the proposui that acti Chronicie and historica documentishould e oditodin uel a manne a to represent iis ali possibi correct-nes the textis each Writer, derived frona a collation of thobest S S., and that no notes houldie ad ted exceptsuch as ere illustrative of the various readings. TheySuggeSted hoWever, that the res Cerio acti Work should contain, in addition to the particular proposed bb the Master of the Rolis, a biographica account of the author,s farin authenti materials Xisted for that pui pose, and an estimate of his historica credibilibranti value.