Synodus Dioecesana Crossensis secunda : habita diebus XXIV et XXV Augusti A.D. 1887, in Collegio SS. Cordis Jesu in civitate Pratocanensi / praeside Kiliano Casparo Flasch.

발행: 1888년

분량: 84페이지


분류: 미분류


Cordis' sive Apostolatum Trecum ) S. Rosarii. Aodalitates Marianas et S. Joseph, SponSi . . . 139. Ne autem Confraternitates vel Sodalitates Indulgentiarum gratii Pri Ventur Oni X Curandum St. Ut in Arum erectione et directione fideliter Serventur Conditiones qua Ab Ecclesia prROSCribuntUr. 140. Maxime etiam commendamus Sodalitatem Dio e Cosanam Sacerdotum qui se invicem obligant ad tres Missas dicendas pro defunctis Sodalibus hortamur igitur omnes Sacerdotes ut eidem laudabili Sodalitati nomen clare velint.141. Pro locis in quibus operariorum multitudo in Venitur. AStore non negligant instituere Sociofaum Pnevolam ad operarios in infirmitate sublevandos. Constitutiones pro iis ad mentem Ecclesiae et ad Statuta Dior Cesis confectae esse de boni. 142. Societates quae sub directione Ot auctoritate Ecclesiae non sunt quamquam nihil mali Prae O OrAnt. Cum suis regalibus admittendae non sunt in ecclesiam ne festa vel solemnitates ipsis peculiares Sine Speciali permissione Nostra in ecclesia CelebrentUr.



143 Concilio Plenario III et Prov. Milw. I inhaerentes,

de hisce Societatibus ea quae sequuntur CClRrRmUS C StR- tui 1DUS I Certo Constat nomen Ante sociis a Soni Cae et Carbonariae ex Communicationem latae sententiae ipso facto

et Similiter omnes aliae CCtRO QUAS Ub UOCUID JUCnomino sive adversus CClesiam et reli rionem Catholicam


sive solummodo adversu legitima ubernia machinari certo ConStat, SiVO CXi Antra Ui RSSCCli Sive non Xigant uramentum de Secret Servando Subjacent CXCommunicationi. Hinc dubium non est quin Communistae Socialistae Anarchistae t illi ornatores Turners . qui associati sunt foederi vulgo QTurnerbund ' o Cato CXCommunicationi Censura ligontiar.3 Si qua Societas presbyterum ' capellanum proprio

marte sibi vindicet alium V ministrum Cultus qui rituali ac caeremonii proprii Pro Suo libitu utatur hoc in Casu ad scripti etiam Cen Sura Contra Chismatico Vel haereticos latas incurrunt Conc. l. III p. 4O.)4 Aliae autem Societate profancte quae quid Cm n C JUCAdversus Poto State legitima machinantur sed nihilominus ASSOClAS SUOS. AiVO Ur Amonto Sive mer fide data ad secretum tam stricto OrVandum Stringunt ut illud ne auctoritati quidem ecclesiastica ligiti me roganti impune CVClaro POSSint DCC non CRO QUA Obligant socios ad illimitatam obedientiam Ct Ad CROCO Xoquenda omnia quae forte ab ossicialibus praecipiantur. UamVi S CCti CXCommuni Cati annumerandae non id CAntur Corto Amon X lege naturali graviter illicitae sunt ideoque sub gra POCCAt VitnndRO.5 Ouodsi e contra juramentum Vel promi S Si de secret Servando in aliqua societate O sensu emittitur et intelligi tur ut illud auctoritati CCCto SiASticae quotio requiritur manifestari possit neque aliquid illicitum in signis fine et mediis ejus invenitur socii hujusmodi societatis inquietari noldebent. 6 Similiter sodalitates operariorum qui nihil aliud sibi proponunt quam Sodalium in propria Arto XO1 Conda in sua conditione mediis licitis in uribus suis defendendis mutuo sese tueri et adjuvare in Se licitae Sunt. Sed Plerumque periculosae sociis Catholicis. quia timendum ne justitiae limites


CXCedant, Vel Propita ad Secta damnata AC Cedant. Vel propter nimi arctam Cum hominibus errone a Vel nullius religionis familiaritatem indifferentisino et aliis falsis doctrinissensim imbuantur. Propterea Catholici ab hujusmodi societatibus in quantum feri potest. dissuadendo retinondiciunt.



A. Des Collectis uotanni Faciendis.144. I ' Pro Cathes ratico Cathedraticum ex reditibus quidem Singularum ecclesiarum juXta a Xam in hac Synodo

tore S Solici tors extra ecclesiam altera in die Nativitatis D. N. . . in ecclesia. plate Collection) Vide App. Ill Pro Orphanis. In die festo Paschatis collecta fiat in singulis ecclesiis Vel missionibus. IV ' Pro Papa. Dominica infra Octavam S. Petri et Pauli collecta in ecclesiis fiat. V ianis et tritis aut 'V Dominica mensis Septembris aut F Dominica uadr prout Rectoribu Pro locorum Circumstantii meliu Visum fuerit. VI ' Pro Topra Sancta. Haec Collecta a Summo Pontifice Leone XIII imperata fiat Hebdomada Sancta in theca Alms-box pro hoc fine in ecclesia CollocandR.


566 De Collectis Prohibitis.

145. Stricte prohibemus ne ullae Collectae in Dioecesi Nostra fiant a Sororibus Religiosis vel etiam Sacerdotibus extraneis sine expressa facultate a Nobis in scriptis

Pastoris loci victualia pro orphani Dio e Cesani Colligant.


DE SACERDOTIBUS EXTRANEIS. 146. Prohibemus ne Rectore NoStri; SACerdotibu CX-tranei permittant MisSam in suis ecclesiis celebrare vel alia munera obire sine speciali licentia Nostra in scriptis data si copia adest os adeundi. Qua deficiente indulgemus ut Sacerdotes ex alia Di OOCO si provenientes Semel Vel iterum Sacrum peragore de Re C tori ConSonSu Valeant dummodo bonis moribus atque in Dioecesi propria facultatibus praediti cognOSCAntur, Ut Ordinarii sui litteris pro Celebret ' rite sint muniti. Si vero Sint Sacerdotes qui e Nostra Dioecesi olim dimissi fuerint aut qui Colligendi causa advenerint expresSa licenti Nostra indigent ut Vel semel munus sacrum in DioOCOS Nostra pera Cre HlCHnt.147. Sacerdos quilibet Si e saeculari Si UO OgulnriS, qui hanc Dioecesim quavis de causa reliquit OO PSO PriVntUS manet facultatibus in eadem illi On COSSi S. UAmquam OStea in Candem redeat, donec de novo facultates a Nobis obtinuerit.


I. CATHEDRATICUM. Names ML thes Congregations of the Diocese illi the Assessmenis made in the Synod


II. SEMINARISTICUM. ACCordin to statui 144 of the Synod a doubie collection hali et ahen ii annuali for the suppor o Ecclesiastica Studenis, ne cluring the monilis of November an December, the ther o Chris ima day. The followin rules hal be invariabi observed: I. ver Pastor appotnis Solicisor in acti Congregation or ission unde his Charge, ho hall, Within the three o fou weeks prece lingChristinas, solici and collec in the districis assignei to them by the Pastor, subscriptions rom hose has are Uting Io confribure ne ollaro more to ardori sussor V Ecclesias Da StudenIs, and and in tolli Rev. Pastor, o or efore Christinas, the SubSCription o ColleCted, with the nantes of the Contributors To su Ch Contributor a Copy of the Annua Seminar Repori illis sent gratis. a. n Christinas da a late Collection hali e ahen ut in ali

questet to seni in the whole amount of the Seminar ColleCtion together illi the lis of the nam es reporte Mand the amounts Collected by the solici tors To avo id mis spelliri in printed repor Care hould be

to their eople: a on the hird unda of November, hen the will publisti the ames of the solicitor appotnted by them an explain thenatur of thei ossice; δε again o the unda previ ous o Christinas, for the late ColleCtion.


O these occasion the Rev. Pastors ill exhor the faithm to contribute mos generousi to the Diocesa iuni for the supportis Ecclesiastica studenis itiein a Wor o Charit mos conducive to the wellare of the Dioces an deseruingi God' blessing.

E. . I. ar s Congregarion. Located in the DF of a Crosse in atrosse County, State of is Cou Sin. VHEREAs, The Right Reverend ili an C. Flasch, Roma CatholicBishol of the Dioces of a Crosse, in the Statem Wisconsili and theoni truste of acli Roman Catholi Church in sat Dioces no hereto fore in Corporate unde the law of the State of WisConsin, and the onlytruste of thes Roman Catholi Church of the congregation herein after mentioned deem iniit ad visable o cause the Congregation locate in the of in County, WiS- Consin, orae incorporate in the anne prescribed by and in ursu anCeos Chapte 3 of the law of Wiscon sin for the ear 1883 entilled Ana Ct Supplementar an amendator of Chapter 1 of the evi sed Statutes, entiti edis Religiolis ocieties, ' approve Marcii th, 1883, orthe purpOS and poWersi Statu te in suCh case made an provide anilhavin in ursuance of sai Chapte 37 adde four more member to-wit: The ery Reverend J Schwebach Vicar Generat fisai Diocese, and the Roma Catholic astor of the ait congregation to te incorporate and and both of lawful age an resid- in in said os and laymen o sat Congregationdui Chosen rom and by the congregation foresai as trustees of the fame; and the sat Congregation havin complied with the provision ofincorporation preSCribe by aid Chapte 37;NO THERE FORE Know II en F Presenti that we,milian C. FlasCli Roman Catholi Bishomas foresaid, Vi Car General


The nam os sati congregation heret, in Corpora ted hali e .... and the loCation here of hal be in the of in County, State of is Consin and shal be connected withan be unde the contro of sat Roma Catholi Church and unde thesupervision of the Roma Catholi Bis holmo the Dioces in hichisaid

Congregatio is si tua te and his successor in office. The purpo Ses of this Corporation are o purChase, aCCepi, Wri an hol pro per ty, ea and personat for the se an bene fit of such corporation, an to et an dispo se of the sam for the fame se and bene fit, subject to the by-law re strictions provide for by the sati by-laws and o do ali hings neces-Sary for the prope transactio of the bus ines an duties si salii Corporation, an toto an peririn ali hings nee dii in the anagement of the tempora assair of the Roman Catholi Church of sa id congregation, and for the benefit thereos, and of su Ch member a may be Comeattached an belongo sat Chiarch in Conformit With such rules and regulations as may be est ablished by t by-laws, and ais to pur Chase oWn hold regulate, Controi, manage O di SI OS O eleemosynary, eduCationat, emetery, religi ou Or ther properi Whi Ch it may Cquire in Connection illicia id chur Ch and the Congregation here of or hich may beassigne to it by the Bisholmor ther person or PerSOI S. The property, ea and personat, hi Ch Shali e ui Chased, CCepted, o ne lis acquired by said Congregation or hi Ch hali e purChased, owned hel o acquiret in ConneCtion illi sati Church and Congregationfor the purpo Se of an eleemosynary, edu Cati Onal, emetery, religio u Orother property, hali e vested in iis sa id corporate name, and shali edevote solet for the purpo se and objeCts of this Corporation, and fortite bene fit thereos, and shali des Ceni in perpetua su CCes Sion to sati Congregation. The officer of sa id congregation hal be a resident, a Vice resident, a reas urer an a Se Cretary. The sat druili an C. Flasch, Bisho as fore Salii, hi Sia CC e S Sor, administrator o su Ch ther person a may be appo in ted a CC ordin to therules of the Roman Catholi Churchis administrator for the time eing, shal be x- cio president, and the sat pastor o his successor hallie ViCe-Ρresident x- sscio and the reas ure1 and secretar shali e selectedor Chosen rom the laymen ho re praCti Cal member of sat Corporatio a provided by the v-law of Sat Congregation.


The uties of the resident, vi Ce-president, rea Surer an Se Cretarystiali e suci, as a re implied by the respe Ctive ossi Ce andis may be pre- scribed by the bylaw of thi Corporation. The aid ili an C. FlasCh, Bishop as fores a id, and the sat Very Reverend ames Schwebach Vicar Genera as foresaid, hal be an re main member of this Corporation ac long as the mlial te ani re main respecti vel bishol and vi Car genera os sa id dioces an salii pastor of sat Congregation a afore S aid, hali e nil rema in a member thereo so longin he hali e nil rema in pastor of said Congregation, and whene ver ei the or at of them hali ea se to e bis hop, Vi Car- gen

The aid isti op Vi Car-Generat, pastor and the wo laymen, SeleCtedani Chosen a a foresaid, and thei respecti Ue su CCeSSOrs, hal Constituteit boar o director an a such shal have powe to trans a Ct at thebusines of this Corporation XCeptis here in after provide l. No debi ex e edini in amount the sum of hundred dollars hali e Contra Cted untes by the vote and Consent of at the directorf, and no rea estate belongin to this Corporation Shal be sold, mort-gaged in Cumberet o dispo sed of in an way ithout the Vote and Consent of at the dire Ctors The Board of Director may, at an time, by a majorit Vote, remove an se Cretar or rea furer i the de em that the est interest of this Corporation require Su Ch remo Val. The re asiarer hall, immediate ly after his eleCtion. ive boniis illis ureties in suci sum os a leas do ubi the amo unt of moneys a mayco me into his and durin his terna of m e conditioned that he illiaith fili account for an pay ver ali money that a Come into his hand a Such treas urer, and therwi se aith fuit discli arge the uties of his me, hici boni shall, bes ore he enter u pon the duties of his omCe,