Synodus Dioecesana Crossensis secunda : habita diebus XXIV et XXV Augusti A.D. 1887, in Collegio SS. Cordis Jesu in civitate Pratocanensi / praeside Kiliano Casparo Flasch.

발행: 1888년

분량: 84페이지


분류: 미분류


be approve o by the resident, vice-president anil secretar of this Corporation, by endorsemen in ritin to that esse C thereon. This Corporatio is formed ithout capita stoch, and solet for thepurpoSes hereinbefore State i. The electioni secretar and reasurer of this Corporatio has ahenPlaCC at On the da of 188. and shallthereas ter ah plaC at o the da os 188. an bienniali thereaster. The aii director by a unanimotis ot ma adoptisu Ch by-law notContrar to the constitution and law of this State, the Statutes of the dioces and the discipline of the Roman Catholi Chur his may bedeeme neCessar for the pro per overriment of this Corporation, and the anagemen and usines thereos, o the tempora assair of such Congregation hi Chia beCome conneCted herewith or attached hereto. Sal by-laws may be alteredis amen led in the alii anne a by-lawsare herein require t to e adopted and not therwise, and wheneVer Oadopted or amen led the shall, efore the tali esseCt, e recorde by the secretar in a book o e providei and ept for that purpos and subscribe to by ach o sat directores. In itness hereos e the aid incorporator have Caused theSe arti Cles of inCorporation to e made ut and signed by the resident and Secretar in the preSenCe of two witneSSe at the of in County. State of WiSConSin, his da of

Roman Catholi Bishop, as a resai and resident ex-omCio of this corporation.



State of WisConsin and iurgia an to Chapte 3 of the law of 1883 entille An C supplementar audamendator of Chapter I of the evi sed Statute entille o religious societies, ' approved arChrath, 1883 the ire tors of sat Congregationb an unanim Ou Vote, have on the da above mentione adoptet the followin by-law deemei necessar for the proper overnnient of Sald Corporation and the anagemen and usines thereos, an for thetemporal assair of aid Congregation, hi licis o ma beCome ConneCted therewith o allaChed hereto. I. The Corporate powers of said corporation hali e in ali hings exerCised in strict Conformit with the Statutes of the Dioces of a Crosse and the discipline of the Roman Catholic Chiarchon in conformit with the ules and regulation hereb established.


2. A majorit of the ire tors hali constitute a quorum for the transactio of bus iness, and the a Clion os sal quorum hali e considerei a the a Ctior of the Boarii, ex Cepi in hos Cases mentioned in the arti Cles of in Corporation requirin an unanim Ou Vote O the mire Ctors. Wheneve it illis oti convenient for the Bishol or Vicar Generalto e presentis an me eling, it halli Competent for them or ei ther of them to vote by rOXy. 3. The Board of Director may, ii the de em it ne CeSSary, te Ct annuali two o more responsibi me from ait Congregation, subjec tolli appro val of the Bishol of said ioce se, and who in the udgment of the Bishop ill e considerei competent to assis the Director hy the iradvice or ther is in the transaCtion fius ines pertaining to the Board. The person thus Chosen hali e Callei Consultors. They hali e Consulte on ali important matters pertaining to the busines of the Chiarcho Congregation. ut the shal have no legat vote in the transaCtions of the Corporation. An SSistant SeCretar may be Sele Cted rom sat d

4. There hali erat east two regula me elings of the Board os DireCtor in ea Ch ear, on the Jay the refor appotnted by the Board. Special meetings may be calle dis any time by the resident, or in his absenc by the Vi Ce-President. No pur ChaSOS, improUemenis, o under-takings Dan kind whicli ould in an wis en tali pon the Chur ii or Ongregation an ne or extraordinar expenditures hal be ordered, allo ed, o heli a legat unles the have been orderei or aut hori Zed by the Boardis a regular o SpeCial meetin thereo f. 5. The reas urer hali receive ali funiis e longin to the Congregation He hallae et Correctis nil de talle a Counts of receipis and dis bursementes, hiChlaCCounts hal be at ali times open to the inspectiono allis an of the Director and Consultors. At moneys hali e pald by an orde o the reasu rer, signed by the resident o Vice-President, and Countersigned by the SeCretary, and ad pay able to the person towhom the ait orde is is sue l. The rea furer hali ake a repor ofre Ceipis and disbursement alis ach regula me eling of the Board. Besoreenteriri upon the uties of his ossice he hallinive boniis to a id Congregation, With two Or more sum Cient fureti es t be appro vel f by thel resident, Vice-President ni Secretary by endor semen to that effectina de thereon, and whi h bond shalli in suci sum as hali e decide lupo by the Board of Directorf, and shali te conditioned that he ill


faith fuit account for nil pay ver ali money that a Come into his hara df, a Such rea Surer, and ther i se aith fuit dis harge the duties of his omCO.6. The accounts of the reas urer halli examinei and approve dby the Board of Director at lea St OnC a year, and printed or rittenand ubi isti et to the Congregation on the fir si unda after the firs dayof Januar of eaCh ear Or a Soon thereas ter a pra Cti Cable M op of the CCount, igned by the Pastor, e Cretar and Trea surer, hali e ledwith the is hos of the Dio Cese, and it hal also e recordei in theminutes of the e Cretary. 7. The Secretary hali notis the member of the time of meetings, regula and special, andae et the minutes of ea Ch meeting. His booksshal also Contain exa Ct statem erit Ofisi pro per ty, ea or per Sonat, e longin to the alii Congregation, o ali moneys aid, o debis ContraCted by the Congregation, Or of money due the fame, and of ali alter ortrans a Ctions ConCerning the temporal assair of a id Congregation, and perform Su Ch ther uties as may be required of him by the Board of

wis e the resident of this Corporation hali appo in one of the Cori sultores, is any to fili su Ch Vacan Cy or is there e no Consultor then heshal appo intra lay member of sa id Congregation to su Ch a Can Cy. hostiat quali j in the anne here in providet for the ossice in hos pia Celi is o appotia ted and shal holi suci ossice tanti a successor is elected frona and by aid Congregation a the followin election. 9. No member Or member of the Oard O Dire Ctor S, O any Other person, hali haVe any Ower author it to Signinny note O Other eviden Ce of debi, o Contractinny liabili ty on helial of said corporation. 1 o. The a Stor of said Congregation, illi the Consent of the Bishop, shal have the ex Clusive right to appoin or dismis an or ali Chur Ch employe SeXton, organist, C emeter Sexton and Other employ CS, but it is expressi proVidei that he Pastor hali not appo in or dis missa ny Chool te acher Without fir si attaining the revi ou writ te Consent ther et of the Bishol of the Dio Cese. II. The Chur Ch reveniae S, o moneys elongin to the sat Congregation, hali Consisti an be derive froni e renis, sub SCription tochur Ch or Chool, rom donations o isto in ther ources Perqui Si te or


moneys reCeived by the Pastor for specia services hali elon to the Pastor in his xv right independent of his regula salary. From there venues of sa id Congregation Shali e pati ali Current X penses, thes alar of the astor the Cathedrati Cum Q dio Cesar tax the salary of the organist, and a far a Pra Cti Cable the salaries of the te acher, and su Chother expenses a may be deCidei upor at an meetin of sai Board of

12. The salar of the Pastor hali e determined by the Board of Dire tors, hi Ch shal in no a se e es than si hundred doliars, uni essilie Bishos of sa id ioce se hali expressi assent O u Ch e S Sum, Orshal the fame in any Vent ex Ceed the Sum os ne thous and ollar per annum. The payment of aid salar shal be ad punctuali in quarterin statiment at the nil of ea Ch quarter, and in no veni hal the astor have an Claim or right o laim an arrear in paymen Or of an Salarydue hi in os more than si monili Standing. 13. The Congregation ill provide for the pastor a sui tabi dwelling, furnished in a be Comin manner. The furnitur of the pastora resideri Ce halli considerei a propert of Sa id Congregation. I a Con Veyan e is nee ded by the Pastor for the good of the Congregation, su Ch ad ditiona sum may be allowed him a may be determine dis a fuli mee tingo the Oard. 14. No person hal be elected a member of this Corporation un-les hecis a pra Ctica member of a id Congregation a Cordin to the discipline of the Roman Catholi Chur Ch and regularly attend the Divine Worshil a the Chut Ch of said Congregation, and Conscientio usi Complies With the precepi and perfornas ali the uties rescribed by sai Church, and Contributes a CC ordinito his means for the suppor of the church and school f sa id Congregation. 15. The Pastor of aid Congregation ill a far a praCti Cabie, giveat eas a Week's notice of the time of the eleCtion of the la member of

this corporation. 16. These By-laws annot be repe aled Changed, o modi sed nor Can an amen iment thereunto e made, nor an any additiona by-lawsbe adopte d. XCept by the unanimo has vote of at the Directors Anypropo Sed Change must be presented in rit in at a regular o specialmeetin o sati Board and en tered in the minutes. The fame hallie Votedispon a the followin me et in of the Board. Adopted the Jay and year sit si ab ove rit ten.


a The da an date of the meeting. b. The ullis ames of the SeCretar an Treasurer te Cted. c. The nam of the atron ain or the ille of the Church. 3. Havin reCei Ved rom the ChanCery two Copies of the Articles of Incorporation V the astor Causes them to e signed by the Secretary, who is to et his signature Cknowledged by a notar publi or ther

Competent om Cer.


edged, a giVen, granted bargat ned, Sold, remi Sed released aliened, conveyed an Confirmed, and by theSe present do ive grant, argain, Seli, remi Se releaSe alien, OnVe an Confirm uiato the aid part of the SeConi part iis Successors, and as Signs forever, the folio in describe trea estate, si tuaied in the Count of and State of WiSConstri,

Together illi ali an singula the hereditamenis and appurterian Cesthereunt belonging, o in nywis appertaining and ali the State, right,tille, interest, laim o demand whalso ever of the aid par of the first pari, ei ther incia or equi ty, et ther in OSSeSSion or expeCtanC of in and to the bove bargained premi ses, hereditament and appurtenanCeS. Toliave and o holit the sati premi se as bove deSCribed, illi the hereditamentS, tanto the aid part of the SeConi pari, and to is Successor, ' an l


Congregation, i ,

in the ount of inCOrporaled unde the lawSof the State of WisConsili part of the si Si pari, and

part o parties of the eConi pari,


Corporation, and that he corporate eat of the aid Congregation asthereunt amxed by it authori ty. Notar PubliC.