장음표시 사용
LITTLE is needed by way os preface to this edition os the
never have tried to sorsahe. I am greatly indebled to the Syndics of the University Press sor undertaking the wholeeκpense of the publication and to the printers themselves sorine palns they have taken and the help they have given me. In spite os desecis, is the work should he only in pari as usesulto students as I hope it may be, a large sitare os gratitude Willhe due to Prosessore Swete and Robinson, Canon F. E. Warren, Rev. H. A. Wilson and Μr F. C. Burkiit, each of whom has constantly given me the benefit os his advice and learning, when applied to. Μy thanks are due to the Chapter at Veronasor giving me isee access to their Library, as weli as to their
haps for marking alternative reaclings than sor the pumose os Punctuation. Where potnis are used by the scribe to mainsuch reaclings, the fact is recordeo in the Motnotes. I have myseis introduced into the texi only such stops as Seemed necessata to the sense. It will he seen theresore that the presentedition cloes not offer an exact reproduction os the texi, as it is written in the Μ S. But, as the notes wili Ahow, Ι have corrected some of the mistahes of sormer editions and have also been at Some Pains to gather together insormation os various hincls,
whicli I trust will he os use sor the illustration os the subjeci.
ΤΗΕ Leonine ' Sacramenta ' Mas, as is Well known, discoVeredin the Chapter library at Verona by Ioseph Bianchini and first published by him in the 4th volume of his uncte Francis Bianchinila edition os Anastasius Bibliothecarius I7353. D stili remains among the treasures of the fame library bound in White parchment uniformiy with the restos the Bianchini ΜSS. ano books. It is only a fragment, but originalty Consisted of ao gatherings each containing 8 leaves) and 3 additionalleaves at the end. of these the first three gatherings Me missing and the ΜS. beons toWards the middie of Missa vi for April. Εach leafis about 9, in. high by 8i in. Wide. The first remaining page is ruthersossed and the writing is very indistinct: in the lest-hand top comer is athich red cross about I in. high by 1 in. broad sollowed by a short thichline a ut , in. long. The third specimen photograph shoWs the state of the last page but one, Where the sacramentary proper suddenly brealis off: the writing on the last page of esl, Whicli is probably by the fame hand as the lalter part of the last page but one, is, is anything, more indistinct than that on the fidit. The document is otherWise on thewhole in good preservation and has been comparatively litile tamperedWith and seldom in such a Way as to obliterate the original text. The specimen photographs ove an accurate idea of the excellence of the handWriling, Whicli harilly varies at ali stom first to last: it is in uncialsos a uightly loose character. Sir EdWard Maunde Thompson has expressed his opinion to me in Writing thus : I think you may put theΜS. fairly early in the seventh centu and this is the opinion a littieless definitely expressed of Delisle', adopted by Duchesne'.