Opus majus

발행: 1897년

분량: 604페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



the edition of the opus Majus published by Jebb in

I 733, and reprinted SeVOnteen years a sterwardes in Uonice. But a more cogent reason is that this editionis incomplete. The work, as we learn frona Lacon saccount of it in his opus Tertium, consisted of seven Paris: and the SQVenili pari. a disco ui se on MoralPhilosophy. was omitted by the editor. Why Jebb should have talion this Course is notclear. In his preface he spe lis of tho work a S COnsisting Os siX partes. ' in sex partes distributum 'and adiis 'tractatum de Morali Philosophia ad calcem adjunXit.' In I 858 a paper was read by Dr. ingrana be fore the Royal Iristi Academ y. and was printed in the SQVenthvolume of the Procee lings of this institution. in whichthe writer silowed conclusively the continui ty of this

se venti, part of the cons Mons with ali that had gonebes ore. The continui ty is mari ed viamistat ably in the Very titie of the section, fucisis Septima pars hujus sorsuasionis Hes Morali Philosophia. and in iis ope ningwor s. ' Manifestavi in praecedentibus ' DC. Res ea tedroferen Ces to the foregoing paris Hill be found : and i f


subject of importance would imply Throughout theinus Majus there is an orderi y arrangement of the subject matter formed with a definite Purpose. andi ea ling up to a central theme, the consolidation of the Catholic faith as the supreme agency for the ci Viligation and en noblement of mani ind. For this enda complete renoVation and reorgani gation os man 'sintellectunt forces was nee led. Aster a bries expositionos the four principat impedimentS to wiS Om-ahath Ο-rity, habit, Prejudice. and false conceit of knowledge Bacon proce edes in his second part to eXpla in the inseparabie connexion os philosophy with the highest trullis of religion. In primaevat ages both wereent rusted to the patriarchs. Subsequently while the



evolution os religiolis truth was proceed ing in Judaea, Greece hecam e the scene of the growth of philosophy.

Both were alike ordat ned in God 's proVide nee. In ourown times. as in those os antiqui ty the stud y of both should be carried on continuo u sty. But for this purpOSe it Was essentiat that the wisdom of the ancientsshould be studi ed in the langia age in whicli it was originalty set fortii. To limit studenis to Latin translations is to ensure the multiplication Os error. Most

of these translations especialty those of the Bible andos Aristolle, are deplorably defective, and haVe been made by men imperfectly a qua inted with the subjectirented os . The first condition. theres ore, of a renoVR-tion os learning is the systematic stud y of at least three langu ages besides Latin. nainely, Hebrew, Greel , and Arabi C. The second condition was the application os mathematical method to ali objects of stud y whether in theworid or in the Chur h. Mathematic is the ' galeway and the key to ali other sciences ' : it raises the under standing to the plane at which knowle ge Can bedistinuuished frona ignorance. Without it Other sciencesare unintelligibie. It reveais to his the motions of the

heavenly bo dies; and the laws of the propagation Offorce in ita in s terrestriat, of whicli the propagation oflight may be talien as a type: without it wC APOincapable of regula ting the festivals of the Churcii :we rema in in ignorance of the influences of climate UPOn Character: of the position os cities and of theboundaries of nations Whom it is the function of the

Catholic Church to bring with in her pale, and to Controi Spiritually. With these subjecis the fourth and fifth sections of the opus Majus are occupied: they formitie principat bulli of iis contenis. But mathematical


method though essentiat, is insum cient. It must besupplemented by the method os experiment. Evena Purely geometrical proos is not ConVin Cing or Conclusi Ue untii the execution of the diagram has enabi edus to add Ocular. that is to Say CXPCrimonial, CViden CCthat the demonstration is Aounci. This method, moreoVer will lead iis into new regions into whichmathematical procedure is not able to penetrate. EXPerimental science goVerias ali the preceding Scien CES ' domina est omnium scientiarum praecedentium ' in, it controis their methods; in prosecuting itS Own Specialresearches it malles USO of their resulis.

Special and autonomatic Sense praeticat. dealing as it cloes with human conduct with referen Ce to Virtue and Vice, beatitude and misery. All other sciences arct Called speculati Ue they are not Concerne i with thedee is of the present or future ii se affecting man'SSalVation Or damnation. All procedures of ari and of nature a re directed to these morat actions. and CXist ona CCOunt of them. They are of no account CXCepi in


War is, is copied frona the second). Stop short be re theconclusion of the Murth. We gather, howeVer that the missing portions are not Of primary importan CC. An other alteration os considerable importanco hasbeen made in the present edition. Professor Emile

Charies; in his very important monograph on Roger Bacon Bordeau X, 1861 potia ted out that the treati se De Multiplicatione Spesciertim; which in Jebb's editionof the Opiιs Mons is placed belween the fifth and fixili sections of the work does not in reali ty belongio it. And in deed the seconii sentence of the treati Sem kes this evident. Recolendum est ' BACon ObSCTUOS 'quod in tertia parte hujus operi S tactum CSt quod CSSentia, SubStantia, nRtura, PotCStAS, PotontiR, VirtUS, Vis, Significant eandem rem.' No suci, passage is tobe found in any part of the opus Majus least os ali in the third pari. whicli deals with Comparative Philology.

Here again the opus Tersium comes to our nid. SQVeratre rences will be found there to a distinet treati se Sent to Pope Clement IV simultaneo isty with the opus


rejus BreWer, Pp. 38, 99. II p. 227). It is a treatiseon the propagation os radiant forces, usu atly spolien ofas n fit acafro Specierum; but in one passage entilled Tractatus Ee Radiis; que)n vobis misi separatim ab ore Majori. In the present edition this treati se will bes found in iis proper place aS an appendix to the Opus Ma S.It must be ad ded that the te Xt as edited, is in Certa in paris of the work far frona persect. This remarii applies es pecialty to the third and sigili sections. In the thirci sectiora severat missing pages lia Ve been supplied froni a Cottonian MS. Julius D. V.), Containing amon St other things a Greek and a Hebrewalphabet. It is the more remari able that Jebb should

haVe omitted these passages since it is clear that he had consul ted this MS. and had macie frequent Corrections frona it. The si Xth section, On Experimental Science, has been so caret essty edi ted that it Aeenas probable that the editor must haVe en trusted the

work to a less competent assistant. Contractions Of

Paris of the work give proof of great labour and Care in the collation of the MSS. consul ted. This isespecialty the case with the Murth and fifth paris whicli forna a very large proportion of the wholo wOTh. HaVing Spent much time oVer the MSS. used by Jebb

in addition to others; I can bear testimony to the accuracy with whicli Variations have here been noted. All of them whicli are os more than Verbal importa DCChave been noted in the present edition.


Bacon. Each diagram has been placed in iis proper

It was found that in many cases the rea SOning Ofthe author had been entiret y nulli fed by defective punctuation. This has been entire ly re Vised, and thenumber Oi distinci sentences and paragraphs haS been Very largely increased. Students of the opus Majus have found the work dissiculi to refer to owing to the multiplicit γ' and diversi ty of the subjecis trea ted, and the want of Auch quidan e as page-head ingS or marginalnotes Can supply. This defeci has been remedie l. an analysis of the work has been pres Xed and an improVed index ad te d. A fe w re mari s on the MSS. of the inus Majus. J ebb's edition was founded on a MS: in the library of Trinity College; Dublin, Whicli at that time was theon ly MS. known to contain the Complete work. It contains a note in Archbishop Usher 's handu riting to the effect that the M S. was presented to the College by Gordian Strowbridge; and that the diagram S Were drawn by Sir Christopher Heyden. This MS. is Veryclearly written in 249 folios of four columns. Sir Christopher Heyden, of Baconsili Orpe, in Nor th, WAS


a well-known astrological writer Who di ed in 1623.whicli fixes the date of this MS. at the end of the si Xteenti, or beginning of the SQVOnteentii Centvry. A glance at the M S. Shoris that the figures Here drawn simultaneousty with the texi room being les tin each page for their insertion. The character of the writing qui te correspondes with this date. It is referre ito in this edition aS D.

Pago. It is now numbered 235 of the Digby MSS. The greater part of it is of the fifteenth century. But a portion os it pp. 249-295) is in an older an imore beauti fui handwriti nil Considered by Mr. Coxeto be of the fourteenth century. This portion includes a Considerable portiora of the Perspectiva These two MSS. have been cares atly coli ted sortite present edition. In the course of the collationun mi Stat able proof was gi ven that the Dublin MS.Was a Copy of that in the Bodleian. At the clo se of P. 47O, COl. 2, of thi S lalter, the sentenco brealis offmidway, and is Continuod on the frst line of p. 487 COl. I. An error of this hincl, Analogous to that caused by the transposition of sheeis in bin ling a modern



out an Almost eXaci corresponden Ce in their errors and

Cottonian MSS. Julius D. V. and Tiberi US C. V. designated here as Jul. and Tib.). The first of these tinfortunately much injured in the fre of Ι73Ι. gi Vesthe frest three sections of the work and a large part of the fourth. The second ves the whole of the fourth.

Eor the geographical portion of the fourth section. I was allowed to consuli the M S. in the possession OsCorpus Christi College; Cambri Gge. It is not, howeVer belle Ved to be of earlier date than the mi id te orlater part of the fifte enth century. Occasional referen elias been made to a MS. of the fifth section of the work Per ecfiva) in the possession of Magdalene Colle Q. Cambri Gge; whicli I was permitted to examine. It is


ha Ue also been Consulte i.