장음표시 사용
The beautilat Parraheet figured on this plate is anative of New Holland, and is one of the numerousnein species of birds very lately made known to thenaturalisis of Europe. Iis sae is that os a sinest turile.
CHARACTER GENERICUS. Rosrum planiusculum: apice dilatato, orbiculato, plano.
Pedes tetradactyli, semipalmati. Lin. 8s. Nat. p. 23i CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, M. PLATALEA corpore sanguineo. Lin. 8st. Nan. p. 231. PLATALEA rosea.
Plataleae leucorodiae Linnaei, seu communi, corporis forma simillima est eximia haec avis; coloribus autem longe discrepat : universa enim, exceptis rostro pedibusque, pulcherrime rosea est, alarurn parte superiori dorsoque phoeniceis. Fcrtur autem aetate grandior pleneque et persecte Pltimata, tot i eme penitias laete phoenicea, vel etiam Coccinea; colliamque inferius torque seu cingulo nigro ornari. Rostrum fusco-pallet. Crura sere nigricant. Vivit eodem modo quo Platalea com-I munis,
munis, seu leucorodia, littora nempe locaque aquola quaerens, animaliaque minora, ranas scilicet, vermes, et alia ejusmodi depascens. Americam incolit Australem a
Lath. Syn. 3. p. 16. This elegant hird, whicli is a native of South America, in iis generat mape bears a near resemblance to the Ρlatalea leucorodia of Linnaeus, Or common SpOOn-hili, but differs widely in color; the whole bird, exceptthe beak and legs, being generalty of a fine fuit ros colour, Whicli on the upper part of the wings and theback, deepens almost into crimson. It is said however, that the bird, when advanced in age, and in fuit perfection os plumage, is entirely of a vivid crinason, oreven scarlet, with the addition os a black circle or collar round the lotaer part of the neck. The bili is os a