장음표시 사용
so frequent in the works of the ancient naturalisis; butas the present sisti is well known to possessi this poKer, severat other equally-weli authenticated accounts hav-ing been received within these se N years, it is surelyno improbabie supposition, that Pliny, though not conscious of the difference, in reality spolie of this very species, whicli at that time Was doubilesis con undedwith the common SNord-sis h.
ARACTER GENERIC US. Corpus tetrapodum, caUdatum, nUdum. ARACTER SPECIFICUS, Uc.
LACERTA FUSCA, subtus pallidior, linea dor
suali albida, super caput furcata, digitis unguiculatis, subtus, lamellatis.
Rarissima est haec lacerta, nec certum est annon adhuc unquam descripta sit. Inter species Linnaeanas frustra requiritur, nec non in nUmeroso horum animalium agmine quae suppeditat Thesaurus Sebar. Quantum colligere possum a speciminibus quae egomet inspexi, longa est, ut plurimum, sex Uncias, interdum ad novem pertingens. Color est languide fusco-flavescens, ochrae similis, subtus pallidior. Cauda gilva notis longitudinalibus fuscis variatur. Per dorsi longitudinem late discurrit linea insignis albo-gilva, qUae ab Utroque latere capitis furcae instar, divaricat; eXtremitatibus oculis tenus protensis. Cutis tuberculis, praesertim versus caudam, levitur eXasperatur, qVae minutissima cum sint, non nisi attento oculo conspici queant. Simillima est
est illi haec species quam Linnarus nomine Gecho distinxit. In figura nostra exhibetur animal magnitudine ipsius speciminis; sed in figura I. augetur paulul Umpars inferior pedis, ut transversae lamellae clarius distinctiusque inspiciantur.
This species of Lacerta is extremely rare, and it maybe doubted whether it has yet been described. It certainly is not a Linnaean species, nor does it occur in the numerous collection of Seba. The sige of the specimens whicli I have examined is rather sinati, viz.from about six to ni ne inches in tength. The colour is a sest yello isti brown, pater beneath: the tali is cream- coloured, varied with longitudinat marks of brown, and on the back of the animal is a very remarkablewhite, or rather cream-coloured broad line, Whicli divides on each side the top of the head in the manner ofa fork, the extremities of each division just reaching to the eyes. The stin of this Ligard, When closely examined, is sightly exasperated, especialty to ards thetali, with minute tubercles, but they are so extremelysmali that they are not perceptibie Without a close eXamination. The feet are transversely lamellated beneath.
Τhe species to whicli this animal seems to bear thegreatest assinity is the Lacerta Gecko of Linnaeus. The figure here given represenis it os iis natural sige; andat fig. I. is represented the under part of one of the se et, rather larger than nature, in order to me* with greater distinctnesis the transverse lamellae Rith whicli itis furnissaed.
ARACTER GENERICUS. Rosrum aduncum: mandibula superiore mobili, cera instructa. Nares in rostri basi. Lingua carnosa, obtusa, integra. Pedes scansorii. Lin. Sus. Nut. p. 139 ARACTER SPECIFICUS. PSITI ACUS submacrourus viridis, fronte macU- laque postoculari coccineis, vertice caerule
Valde amis P. pacifico. Lath. Θn. 1. p. 252.
Novae Hollandiae est incola perpulchra haec Psittaci species, et inter alias plurimas aves physicis Europaeis nUperrime innotuit. Magnitudo est quasi parvi Tur