장음표시 사용
There are severat persons now living, Whom Iprevalled on early to submit to this operation. When I sound the his ual diu retios had no effect, and the more adtive purgatives did as much pre-judice by wealiening the whole frame, bringitigon thirit, tosis of appetite, debili ty, and sever, asthey did service by the evacuation they Promduces I des isted frona medicine; aliora ed themto drinti as much as thirit required; anil, Whenthe flu tuation was so evident as to render theoperation safe, it was performed. In One Case, One Operation alone succeeded : for, by diu reticsand corroboranis, proper diei and suitable exercisse, the urine passed the kidneys Deely, and the
Patient recovered perfectiy. This was an evident ascites, and carne On soon after a lying-in ;apparently frona the power os absorption beingwealiened beyonil a speedy recoVery, and the exhalant vesteis being relaxed immoderately; thebalance was destroyed, and a via quantity of water Was collected in a shorter time than I eversaw. All the wsera seemed to be found, and none of the Usual causes of dropstes frona intemperance had preceded. Had we persevered withstrong purgatives or diu retics much longer, thetone of the absorbent ve eis mould perhaps have been so far wealiened, as to have rendered taP-ping, Or any Other means, ineffectu al. Another case Was, in a single Coman os abolitthirty-five years of .age: the disse ase succeededa tedious lingering sever, attended With great
thirst; and very large quantities of thin liquorsh ad been potared doWn, Without discretion. Apprehending the distem per procee led fromthe dimini med power of the absorbing vemeis, the redundancy of fluid, the generat debility of
Is I am called to a patient tending to a dropsy, the belly beginning to fili, the urine passing in i mali quantities and high- coloUred, the appetite falling, and thirit increa sing, with the lossi offlessi in the opper paris of the body ; I have re
course to such diu reticS, purgatiVCS, and Corro-horanis intermixed, as the state of the case and the nature of iis catases indicate. The prepara rations os squilis, the neutral and aikaline salis, the terebinthinate balsams, afford many essica ctous comit sitions. The PUrgatives are known
to every One. Is, by a reas nable perseverance in this cohirse, no conssiderable benefit accrues;
is the miscera do not evidently appear to be obstructed and uniit sor the future purposses of lisse; if the complainis have not been brought on bya long habituat train os intemperance, and fromwhicli there seenas litile liope of rectat ming the patient; is the strength and time of lise are notallogether against us ; I desit from medicine, eXcept of the cordial restorative Lind ; and letthe dis asse proceed illi the operation becomessas ely praeticabie: when this is done, by the
moderate ii se of the warmer diureti cs, chaly
nion here advanced confirmed. Divers of theseare cured by puncture; s me times orice Only;s metimes the operation is necessarily repeated. You will remember many cases, I doubi not, of the dropsies of the tesse or tunica vaginalis parti cularly. Ι can recollect severat With in my own knowledge; si me that have required but once
ceive such confirmations as may tend to dissipatethat dread of tapping, whicli, I am satisfied, is
One great cause of the dis race under whicli itiabours, and is ali he ii Urious to our ari, and detrimental to the patient. Besore Ι quit this subject, permit me to mention a method of scarification that has osten succe eded in anasarco as swellings of the legs and thigiis; at least, it has so sar succeeded, as todraw of r large quantities of Water, without ei therib much pain or danger as in the common Wayby incisions. These are alWays pain fiat, and , is large, are dangerotas, frona the known di inculty of healing Wo an is in anasarcous habiis. I generalty order this operation to be performed with the common scarificator used in cupping, and the instrument to be placed so asto malle the woUnds transversely. I f the si in is thicli, the lanceis may be set so as to malle
deeper, and consequently Wider incisions. Bythis method, a large quantity of water Will ostendrain frona the legs and thi glis, Without risii ofinflammation, or deterring the patient frona a repetitiora, is necessary. To proceed with aimuch sasely as possibie, I commonly order the instrument first to be applied a boui the mi lille of the calf on cach side the leg, and ei ther to oneleg only, or to both, as occasion requires. The application os glasses, cither to raise the shin, orpro mole the dii charge asterWards, is ian necesse
sary. The instrument is gently pressed uponthe sic in illi a sui face is formed stissiciently fiat
to admit the lanceis in the scarificator to taeessest equally. By mahing these litile openings in the inin transversely, they give Vent more freely to the fluid, and are longer bes ore they
Should it be asced, in What cases this application is proper si it is answered, that in ali anasar cous habiis, Where the ferosa colluvies gains uponus fast, and the shin is sio stretched as to threatena rupture, or inflammation and gangrene, muclimisthies may be prevented by these means. Likewise, where the breatli is extremely affected in such habiis, a temporary relies may, in this manner, osten be obtained, in order to give afair chance to remedies administered internalty. Your OWn experience, Gentiemen, Will suggestto y0u many other uses of this operation.
ALTHO UGH ibis ense of Hemiplegia, and thet o subsequent papers, have been publi hed in
the Medicat Observations and Inquiries, underian anon 'mous titis, Iet I have the authorio os a Diter, in Ghicb the Doctor adopis them as his per- formances. In the fourth volume of the observa tions and Inquiries, in Ghich thes are includerimandi other of his pieces are inferted under his pro ger Anatare ; but, mith a di rece which no auctor had les occasion to plead: that his name mihi nottoo frequentldi recur, he chye to suppres it in thesethree instances: this objection no longer sub ius, and the utilit thes essedis susscientidi marranis me todi clye to the public, Ghat the Doctor had premio b discused to his frienL. In the London Bilis of Mortalio a considerable reform is undoubtedidi quantiet ; the iuben had en gaged his attention, and he had esen ' etched fomeouilines for essening this reformation, hich his ant of Difure prevented bim from completing forpublic in pection. Editor.
Attended with Uncommon Circumstances, Communicated by a MEMBER of the SOCIET Y
the si1xty-eighth year of her age, Was seiZed with a palsy, whicli erati rely deprived her of theu se of her right fide, and of her speech. At thefrst attach she was insensibie, and then ste hadali the assistance that an able physici an couldgive her; but as soon as iue recoVered her senses, ali his prescriptions Were in vain; me perseveredwith obstinacy to refuse talling any medicine, orto suster any ou tward application. All the time of her helplesse condition, she was constantis attended by two nurses in the night, and generallyby two likewise in the day-time, besides her relations, who would frequently sit by her, both toco nasori and to amia se her. She lived illi theueth of October, I 767.
moderate in quantity ; but neither iis quantitynor quality could be ascertained, as it came al-ways frona her Upon cloths. She had frequentlymost excruciating patias in the urinary passages,
which were supposed to be from gravet, and shepassed many smali round stones like shot. She had a constant spitiing, or drivelling of j aliva. She was costive frona the beginning of her ill-nesse: and this complaint in Creased to sucii a de gree, that in a litile time, me seldom had a stool
eating heartio ali ibe time, and had no sensibis eχ- cretion besides, excepi t e usust quantiu of urine, and the saliUal di charge aboze mentione l. Andhoth times, the evacuation probably would have