The works of John Fothergill, M.D. ...

발행: 1783년

분량: 435페이지


분류: 미분류



plained of any part being much indisposed . In

this manner they continued three, solar, or sive lays, more or less, as the Children were healthyand vigorous, When the distemper begins to meWitself in an alarming mi anner. They then commonly complain os a most acute patia in the head , deep sented, and extend-ing acrossi the forehe ad frona temple to temple.


awake. Sometimes they only seem to breathe insigiis sor sonae minutes together. The pulse, frona being regular as in health, as the diseasse creeps on becomes irregular ; ROWer,sor the most pari, at sirit than it ought to be ; it grows stili flower as the patia in creasses, gradUallylikewise irregular, the strohes being made both with unequat force and in unequat times. The limbs, for the mosio pari, are temperate, in res pedi to heat, after the fit sto accessi, whicli is os tenattended with severista heais, especialty towardseveri ing and the fore-part Of the night, and tillwith in a day or two of their dissolution ; the pulse then becomes extremely quicli, the breath-ing deep, irregular, and laborious, the heat ex Cestive, and more generat. The head is alwayshot stoin the firit attach, and the praecordia like-

tend an irritating cause existing in the brain, appears in iis turia; fi 'st, patia in the limbs, si1ck


Remaris on the 'drocephalus Internus. 69

suspirious, the pulse trembling, and quick be yond the possibili ty of counting, and the patientgoes off gradu atly as the strengili fails ; sonae-

times a spasm finimes the catastrophe. In this recitat, many symptoms appear, thalare familiar to worm- cases, ieeth, and other irritating causes. Perhaps, it will be dissiculi topoliat out any that mali particularly chara sterisse this disease. The patias in the limbs, and incessissent head-ach, and sicknest, seem to me the most certain intimations of the danger. These happen in other diseases of children, but nei ther solanisorm ly nor so lastin gly. Another circumstance likewi se is familiar, is not peculiar to this dis asse: I recollect not oneinstance, in Whicli the patient Was not Costive, and in which likewi se it was not without singular dissicut ty that stools were procured. The stoois are most commonly of a very darhgreenim colour, With an Oil inesse or a glasi, bile, ather than the ninae Whicli accompanies WOrms.


7o Remaris on the 'bocephalus Internus.

They are, sor the most pari, singularly offensive The urine shews nothing to be depended on : itis various both in colour and contenis in different subjects ; depending chie fly on the qUan tity of liquids they get down, and the time be-

oppression sei Zes the brain, and diminimes, bydegrees, ali the faculties, tili they are at tengili totalty extinguished, ei ther by sonae violent spasia

modic est Oris, or the vires vitae being exhausted.

the H drocephalus internus, Or dropsy of the Ventricies of the brain, tili some more apposite name can be given to it. From What, remote causes


causes it may proceed, Ι am not so weli satisfiedas to decide on this poliat. Whether the breuchos a lymphatic may not more commonly bethe proximate catisse, is submitted to consideration. It is a dis order that happens, si far as Iliave had an opportunity of obserVing, mOrccommonly to healthy, active, lively chil iren, than to such in whom, frona previ aus iudisposi

this opinion, frona the progress of this disease in many of the cases that I have seen os it ; frona reflecting on the juvantia and laedentia; and, si omthis circumstance being generalty true, that instrong vigorous constitutions, the diseasse is fatalin ' morter time than in the tender and dissie assed, though perhaps not less active dispositions. Sometimes I have been told, that the dis- ease Was thought to have taken iis rise from jumping from a considerable height upon a hard floor, a fati, or sonae pretiy smari exercise : buthowever favo arabie sicli accounts may be to the opinion ali eady mentioned, yet I offer themwith diffiden ce, and only With a vieW to promote further inquiry. Were I to recite the disserent attempis tociare thi, dis ease, made both alone, and con-


7a Remaris On the wdrocephalus internus. junetly with some of the ablest in the prosesion,

it would carry me beyond the bound s you havea right to prescribe. It may be sum cient tomention, that, Whenever I am called to a patient in the earlier stages of this distemper, I proceed in the sanae manner as is the dis ease was

cord ing to the age and habit of the patient, Withphubarb and the pum. es . compos are giVento empty the bo eis, is this has not been done hesore lassiciently. I f the stomach appea Molhe Joaded, a quarter or half a grain of the emet. tartar. may be joined with it, and the stomachwashed with any sultable liquor. Aster this, it seems prudent to abate the Vomiting by the saline, absorbent medicines, ad ding a few drops of the tinct. Nueb. as Occasionrequires, giving broth, thin decostions of harts- horn-saavings, and other sultabie suppori, asmay be necessary. Anthelminthics in broth are thrown up inclysters, and smali doses of anodynes occasion alty exhibited. A decoction os sem. fanton.with thirty or sorty drops of ol. terebinth. in three or four ounces of broth; or aloes boiled in mill . All heating medicines seem to increasse the malady; so does much warmili in the


Remaris on the 'drocephalus Internus. ter this process, and, by a repetition at properdistances, it soon gives way; but, is the symp-

almost lare to succeed is the case be only wornas; but is othermisse, we at least are treating it in themost rationat method, increasing ali the secretions, and there by preventing any addition to


the quantity of extravas aled fiuid, to the ulmost of our POWer. Froni the preceding description of this case, k will not be dissiculi to account for the symp- toms; nor Will it appear sit pris in g, that the patients go Osr in the fame manner as those whodie of a depression of the sculi; for it malles very litile difference Whether the externat Paris of the brain are cro id ed on the more centralparis, or a fluid is perpetuatly pressed into thecavities, near the center, strongly forcing their sides and the brain iiself against the sculL Sofar as one can learn frona the unlial py subjects themselves, the kind of patia they seel, is notqui ch and tarting, or like that os a boli or inflammation ; but, though acute, is tensive, andas is sorcing the head astander. When this paper Was read to the MEDIC SOCIETY, Dr. Huck faid, he belleved that this disease was not confined to children, or such asmere under puberty only ; sor he imagined that he seen it two or three times in adtilis, and gave e the following case, where dissection putit out os dolabi. Hannali HargraVe, aged thirty, was admitte linto the Middies ex hospital, on the .25th of October 1768. She Was extremely languid, and so oppressed, that stae could not give a very distinct account of her illness. She said, that me had been sich a weeli; that her clites complaint Was a most excruciat ing patia in her head, with a


theca vertebrarum.


6 Remaris on Me 'droces alus Internus. much resembling those described by Dr. Huch. Though there Was no opportunity of confirm-ing this opinion by disiection ; yet, si om thosimilari ty of the symptoms, there was just grotandio conclude, that this distemper is not solelyconfined to the age of childhood. O F