De antiquis legibus liber. Cronica maiorum et vicecomitum Londoniarum et quedam, gue contingebant temporibus illis ab anno mclxxviii an annum mcclxxiv; cum appendice

발행: 1846년

분량: 558페이지


분류: 미분류


PREFAC R. ccxiii

Κing Edward IV., in the fame year, granted to Johanna, his cousin, sister of Jolin lato Duhe of Noriola, and wiso of William Willoughby

Edward ΙV., as me leam Dom this passage in the Annals os William of Vorcester, of tho Durth year of his rei : lense Januarii, Katorina Ducissa Nor ichiae, juvencula aetatis fere iiii K annorum, maritata est Johanni Widovilo, fratri Reginae, aetatis xx annorum. Μaritagium diabolicum i vindicta Bernardi inter eosdem postea patuit. The ven ance thus Mawn iapon this ill-suitod malin was manifested by the fato of the youinfulbrii groom, Who, together With his sester, Richard Eari Rivors, was belloadod at Northmpton, Ι2in August, 9 EdW. IV., 1469. Pursuant toa writ with the Κing's testo at Wostminster, Sili Nov. following, an in lub





so quod notorius rebellis et proditor noster Johannes, nuper comes Oxonie,

aggregatis sibi quampluribus malefactoribus et pacis nostro porturbatoribus nobis robollibus, Μontom Sancti Michaelis in comitatu Cornubio ingrossi sunt, gave power and authordy to JAn Fortescite, one of the osquires

Bodrugan Esquire, to reduco the Mount to his obessiones, adding this clauso: Damus etiam eisdem Johanni, Johanni et Henrico et eorum cuilibet committimus plenam potentiam et auctoritatem ad quascunque personas nobis in Μοnto predicto rebelles et inobedientes, prefato nuper comite, Willelmo Boaumond nupser domino Bardois milite, Georgio Veer, Thoma er, Ricardo Vsor, fratribus predicti nuper comitiS, exceptis, gratie nostre se submittentes ot jura montum fidelitatis sue nobis facere volentes, juxta discretiones suas ad gratiam nostram admittendi.' This offer of pardon to the men of the Eari


whieli contain this clause ; De gratia nostra speciali ac eX mero motu nOStro

predictis nuper comiti, Georgio et Thomo ac omnibus aliis et singulis in prodictis fortalicio et collegio, vocato Somto Micholi Mounto in comitatu

Cornubie, cum prefato nuper comite existentibus, quibuscumque nominibus CenSeantur seu eorum aliquis censeatur, Willelmo Beamounde milite nuper Domino de Binumondo si Ricardo Laumarin exceptis, gratiam vite Sue et

eorum cujuslibet concedimus and Dorn whicli it may bo inforrod that tho tWo persons named, of Whom the socorid is probably idoniteat with Riehard de Urer, had escaped froni tho Mount bos ore iis surrender, and Sought refugeon the Continent, in contradiction to tho chronicior, Who doscribes Lord Bemonde V to havo boon brought as prisonor to the Κing. Otherwise, Mithsuch Deling on the part of tho Sovereim, liud he evor been in his pomer, thoro can bo littio doubi os a capital sentenco and execution under tho aci of


est destro. Thus again a peer of tho roiam, he continued to be regularly

no solon, and to refuse ali maintenvice to retainers.

libortio thoroos Would heroaster demeano the residuo in lik0 Wiso. In consideration whereos and forasmuche as oure said Soveraigii Lord is boundoto sos and provide for suche persones as have enherilaunce, and be notos sadnoss and discretion to ruis and hepe the fame without alienation or


that fame tyme, have nono auctorite ne poWer to gis e ne graui te any parte of the fame to any persone, without the assent or aggremsent of oure salit

Boaumoni, and of tho possessions and hereditaments of the samo, Was


ilide yere of his rei gno, excepte presentacions to churches, chapelles and ch nteries, that thene stat alienacion, giste, gratante or charge, to standeand be utierly voyde and of none effecte, excepto before excepte; and that no porsone bo hereaster vexed ne hurte by the said Viscount, his executours, ne any other persone claymyng to his use any parte of the said lyustode orinherilaunco, for any occupation or intermedling, by reason of this Acto,