De antiquis legibus liber. Cronica maiorum et vicecomitum Londoniarum et quedam, gue contingebant temporibus illis ab anno mclxxviii an annum mcclxxiv; cum appendice

발행: 1846년

분량: 558페이지


분류: 미분류


made in this present Parii ament, sextend not, ne in any wiso be hurifuit orprojudiciali unto Jolin Viscount Wollys, to or for any Gine or Graiante mado unio hym by William Viscount Boaumoni, by his Letieres Patentes,

of or sor an Annuytie of xxx li. by yere ovis of Barion upon Humbre, ne to notae ossice comprisod in the said Lotteres, but that tho fame Lotteres, and every thing therein conteyned, be and abydo in thoir fuit strongth and effecte, and as avest lo unio tho said Viscount Wollys, as though this present Acte had never be made.

Rox Hierosolumus cum Bellomonte locatur, Bellusmons iterum cum Boghan consociatur ;Bellusmons iterum cum Longi castro religatur,

Bellusmons sponsalibusJ Oxonie titulatur. The word botween bracheis manting in the original, thus supplied by Mr. Segar, Wasdoubilem a third repetition os the word iterum.


Whyche Wylliam, Astor tho Naturali Courge of Ail erihely Creaturis,

decessyd the xlx day of Decembor, in the yoro os Christ's Incamation Μ. CCCCCVII. Whoso sotae Jesu, of his infinite mercy, receive into joy. Upon this marble flab lios tho ossigy of the doceased in brass, in a complete fuit os plate-armour of the timo, with tho exception of helmei and gauntiet His hoad resis upon his heimsit, fumished Mith a mantelet and crest, on a Wreath a lion passant; his fest iapon an elephant, on his bach a casue triple-towered, and on the ground on whicli the elephant is statant abroom-cod is depicted. Over the offigy is a iniseld of arms quarterly: I, semee de iis, a lion rampani, Boaumont; 2, three garbs, Comyn, Eari os Buchan ;3, quarterly, an ea e displayed in the srst quarter, Phelipp; 4, three cinquefolis, Bardois. The elephant and castio wero significant os his descent froin Jolin de Brisenne, Κing of Jorusalem, and Dom his secondwise, the Infanta Donna Berongustia, sister of St. Ferdinand III. Κing of Castile and Leon, and dauctior of Alphonso IX. Κing of Leon, and of Berenguela, Queen es Castile. The broom-cod, the Plante-de-genes, Was inllo mannor significant of his descent hom Eleanora, daurater of Hen Plantagenet, Eari of Lancaster, Docty and Leicester, wsse of JOhn, second

liands of Κing Henry tho Sevonin to the closo of his roim, on the 2Istday of April, 24 th year of his rei , 1509. Under his successor, Henrytho Eighth, pursuant to a writ bearing date at Wostminstor, 5th day of July, Ist year of his rei gn, I 509, an inquisition was inhon at Westminster, in the coiinw of Middies0x, on tho sirst day of October following, bolare Jolin Μore, sedeant at law, Thomas Jahes and Thomas More, gentiemen, by virtus of tho Κing's commission to thom directed after tho decease of William Viscount. Boaumoni, lord of Bardois iapon oath by twelve jurors ; Qui dicunt super sacramentum suum quod dictus Vicecomes xxiiij dio Aprilis anno rogiti Rogis Henrici VIImi nuper Regis Anglie primo apud

Westmonasterium predictum in comitatu predicto cepit in uxorem quandam Eligabetham Scrope, modo uxorem Johannis Vere comitis Oxonie, qui-


quidem V illotinus et Eligabetha ad tunc et ibidem legitime maritati fuerunt

Secundum legem eccletiasticam, postea que durantibus sponsalibus predictis


inter predictos vicecomitem set Eligabotham idem Vieocomos fuit sol situs in dominico suo ut de feodo de et in omnibus illis terris ot tenementis cum pertinentiis in villis ot campis Wostmonasterii et Sancti Egidii, vocatis le Beamount's londs or tonomonis,' ac in manerio do Wilioughbyes in Edmunion et Tottentiam cum pertinentiis in comitatu predicto. Et ulterius juratores predicti dicunt quod predicta torre set tenementa vocata Bea-mount's londs Or tenemenis ' valent per annum in omnibus exitibus ultra

reprigas XJ s. Sed de quo vel de quibus tenentur penitus ignorant; et quod predictum manerium de Willoughbies valet por annum in omnibus sexitibus ultra reprisas xli. sed de quo vel de quibus tenetur juratores predicti penitus ignorant. Et ulterius juratores prodicti dicunt quod predictus Vicocomes sic inde seisitus, per quendam actum parti amenti, tenti apud Westmonasterium predictum xiiii die Octobris, anno xi predicti nuper Rogis, inactitatum et stabilitum fuit prout sequitur in haec verba. For as mocho aS Jolin, late Erlo oss Lincolit, Fraunc0ys Lovolt lato Lord Lovell, and dyVersoster With them, tr teroustio imaginyng and compassyng the detheand destruccion of ouro Soverayno Lord tho Κyng, assembled them, with other ewell-disposed people, to the noumbre of v M. persones, at Stohe, in the counte a Notynctam, the xx daye of Juno, in the ii de yere of thereigne of oure seyd foverayne lord tho Κyng that nouli is, ' and then and ther, for the performaunce of ther cursed, mischevous and wreched purpose, in Ployn Feld, at the fame Stoke, in tho seid counto, with ther haners dispi sed, contrarye to ther allegia ince, ageyiast tho Κyng, our and thornaturali foverayne lord, levyed and rered warre, and made bat0yllo against hym; for whiche trayterous and uianaturali dede tho soydo Jolin Erlo os Lyncoliae, Min divers others then and ther traytorousty offending, werelato, by auctoriis of Pariement, in a Partemont holdon at Wos instor thoiii ystro of tho reigne of the Κing, our foverayn lord that nowra is, d00modoonvicte and att0ynt of heigh treason ; in the whicho acte os atteyndre thos0yd Fraunces Lovolt was ignorantly lesto owte and omittod, to tho most perilous ensample of Others, beyng of sucte traytorouse mynde : Wherfore


Same Service, a S the Same maneres, londS and teneminis, and othor


corpore suo. Et ulterius juratores predicti dicunt quod prodictus Franciscus Lovell, si tempore mortis dicti vicecomitis fuisset in plena vita et non attinctus de alta prodicione seu selonia, osset proximus heros dicti vicecomitis, videlicet, filius Iohanno sororis dicti Wiliolini Vicocomitis ot filio Johannis nuper Vicecomitis Boaumont, patris predictorum Willelmi Vicecomitis et Johanne, et quod predictum manerium et cetera premiSSa cum suis pertinentiis prefato Francisco descendere debuissent, ut consanguineo et heredi riusdem vicecomitis in forma predicta ; pretextu quorum manerium predictum ac cetera premissa in manu predicti nuper Regis devenerunt et devenire debuerunt et in manibus domini Regis nunc existant et existere

debent. Et dicunt quod prodictus Willelmus Vicecomes obiit xix' dio Decembris anno dicti nuper Regis xxiii', et quod Brianus Stapylton miles et Johannes Norres armiger sunt dicti Vicecomitis heredes propinquiores, videlicet, prodictus Brianus filius Johannes, filio dicto Johanne, sororis dicti Vicecomitis, ct predictus Johannos Norres filius Fridiswido, alio filio dicto Johanne, sororis dicti vicecomitis ; et quod prodictus Willelmus Vicecomes

Hemmoni nulla alia sive plura terras seu tenementa habuit sivo tenuit nec in dominico nec in servicio nec in reversione dicto die quo obiit, et quod Brianus Stapylton miles et Johannes Norres armiger sunt dicti vicecomitis

heredes propinquiores, videlicet Brianus Stapylton filius Johanno filio dicto Johanne sororis dicti Vicecomitis, set predictus Johannes Norros filius Fredyswide alio filio dicte Johanne sororis dicti Vicecomitis, ct quod dictus

Brianus tempore capcionis hujus inquisitionis fuit plens statis, videlicet statis xxvi annorum set amplius, et quod dictus Johannes Norres tempore capcionis hujus inquisitionis fuit elatis xix annorum et amplius. In cujus rei testimonium tam dicti commissionarii quam predicti juratoros huic inquisitioni sigilla sua apposuerunt.


eschoator, as to her tenure of tho manor of Μighondense, held of Edward Mighendone, by the servico of the tentii part of Ono knight's seo. Et dicunt etiam juratores quod Johannes Loveli miles, dominus Lovell,

defunctus, nuper vir prelate Johanne, diu ante obitum suum fuit sessitus de maneriis de Elecombo set Ussecote cum suis pertinentiis in comitatu predicto, ot sie indo seisitus inter alia dedit et concessit et per cartam Suam con

ston, Thome Stone et Thome Bateson predicta maneria cum pertinentiis, habenda et tonenda sibi, heredibus et assignatis SutS, prout in eadem carta,

sigillo ad arma predicti domini sigillata, portanto datam xxviii dis Marcii anno regni Regis predicti tercio, et juratoribus predictis in evideliciam ostensa plene apparet; virtute quorum doni et concessionis iidem Johannes, Thomas, Milo, Milo, Thomas et Thomas fuerunt indo sol siti sit adhuc sunt inde sui siti, et dicunt etiam quod predicta maneria tenentur de domino Rogo ut de ducatu Lancastrie. At Gloucester, 20th July, 7 Edw. IV. b0foro Jolin Mody, escheator of the county, as to her tenure Os One meSSuage, four roods of land and twelve aeres of meadow in Brodo Rosyngdon, heldof Jolin Bodycote; and of One tenement, one rood os land, and Duracros of moadow in Wydeford, held of James Bethoni, by the rendor of 4 d. and fuit os couri; and also as to the tenuro of Jolin Lovolt knight,


eschoator of the county, as to her tenure of the manors and demesnes of

Johannes Lovolt miles, dominus Lovell, sic conjunctim cum prefata Johanna uxore sua de Omnibus predictis maneriis, &c. cum pertinentiis Obiit sseisitus,ot prodicta Johanna eum supervixit et Se tenuit in eisdem por jus accrescendi, et postea predicta Johanna de eisdem obiit solsita, quinto dio Augusti ultimo proterito. Et quod Franciscus Lovoli est filius ot heros tam prodicti Johannes Loveli quam prefato Johanne nuper uxoris Sue propinquior, et est elatis X annorum et amplius. Subsequently, pursuant