장음표시 사용
A number of Chemical and pharmaceutical substances belongio the neuter forni of this singular; as, Argentum, SVP . Aurum, gota. Cuprum, cossem
deciension, and are used in the Hydrargyrum, Ni curF. Ρlumbum, lecti Stannum, tin. Stibium, an imon Also many pharmaCeutical preparations used in the singularand plurat:
They are not used in the plurat. Vulgus is sometim egmasculine. Nouns in ius sorin the vocative singular in i: as, FiliuS, a Son ; voc. Rli, O son.
Deus in. , a god, is irregular, and is thus declinde :
Dei debrum I. Deo diis or dis. Ab Deo diis or diff
Includes notans whicli malle the genitive singular in D: the dative singular in i; and the genitive plural in UM Or IUM. The stems end ei ther in a Consonant or L
Masculine and seminine nouias increasing in the genitive singular; that is, having more syllabies in the genitive singular than in the nominative. The genitive plural of such nouns
In lihe manner, Lapis, m. in a stone :Lapis, lapiS, lapidem, lapidis, lapidi, lapide. Lapides, lapides, lapides, lapidUM, lapidibuS, lapidibus. Chemicat compounds whicli enit in au in Englisti and as in Latin, belong to the third deciension, and are used in thesingular. The genitive singular is diis.
The Latin pronunciation of these Words is osten disregardedin Englisti. Thus We say a cetate, and CKrbonate. It is an affectation to do other vise, sor there is no classical authoritysor these termS. Decline the solio ving nouns, Some increasing long, sonaeshori, in the genitive :
hirra; tussi, b a co n. Frater, mater, and Pater, malle the genitive plural in UM ; as, fratrum, matrum, patrum; Oibrothers, mothers, and satherS. I notans V in ans and ens somelimes drop i in gen. plurat :gIgantes, gigantum, glauu ς parentum for parenuum, ossarena
Cochleare, a Spseon. Cochlea Ia, Spoons.
Dens, dentis m.), a Dora I genitive plurat, dentIUM. Rete, retIS n. , a nes; geniti Ve plurat, retIUM. Animal, ansmal Is, n.), an animal; genitive plurat, animali UM. Calcar, CalcarIS, n.), a Spur; genitive Plurat, Calcarit M. Adjectives of the third deciension, and present participies Witti two Consonanis besore is in the genitive singular, follo
. Ingens, ingentIs, largo I genitive plurat, ingentium. Pendens, pendentIs, mellingo genitive plurat, Pen dentium. Neuters in G al, ar, malle i in the ablative singular. ΑpIs f), a bee, malles genitive plurali apum and apsum, rebe .
ADJECZIVES. A djectives of three endings, in us, a, um: Or er, a, um, belongio the second and sirst de tensions. The masculine and neuterendings are of the second deciension. The seminine ending is of the sirst deciension.