장음표시 사용
Tahe of Cassia Fistula Pulp, two drachmS. Talae the fige of a chesiniit e very night at the liour os repose bedtime , increasing or diminishing the quantity, accordingto the manner of operating. Continue in the use of the Cassia
XII. Tahe of Poxvdered Hydrochlorate os Ammonia, one drachm. Spring Water, eight OunCeS. Rose Water, to mahe up to tWelve OUnCOS. M. Malie a lotion, to be applied to the leg and tot asdirected.
Tahe of Liniment of Ammonia, Liniment os Clitoros orna, Opium Liniment, os eaCh sour drachnas.
Vater, one Oun Ce and t No drachm S. Compound Tincture os Cardamom, o ne drachm. Mix. Mahe an aperient draught, to be tali en early to
VI. he of Compound Tincture os Genti an, one Ounce. Taraxacum Liquor, tWo ounces and a half
Compound Galbanum Pill, of each three grains. Extraci of Barbados Aloes, one grain ano a halfMix. Mahe two pilis; to be taken occasionalty. Selad Six. IX. Tahe of Sesquicarbonate os Ammonia, two drachms. Sesqui carbonate of Soda, tWo drachms. Iodi de of Potassium, half a drachm. Colchicum Wine, two draClimS. Tincture of Orange, tWo draClims.
Mix. Mahe a mixture. Let the pallent tahe a Murth partim mediat ely, and let it be repeated in inur lio urs asterivards, ii
Tincture of the fame, three drachnas. Vater, to malle Up to Si X OunCeS. Compound Tincture os Cardamom, two drachm S.
Translate : et ther, at rudum ad amplum, i. e. cochleare, Under-stood ; or, at enda, i. e. dotis undet Stood; or, ad amplum augendum, Which last is the classical Latin phrase. J
Tahe of Solution os Acetate os Morphia, Spirit of Chloroform, of each one drachm. Muci lage of Gum Acacia, sturteen drachms. Mix. Mahe drops.' Let a teaspoonsul be taken When the Cough is troublesonae. Tahe of Vinegar os Cantharides, si X drachms. Spirit of Camplior, taeo drachmS. Mix. A litile to be applied to the Chest.
Spread a Belladonna Plaster on sost leat her for theos the heart.
228 EN GLISII PRESCRIPTION STahe of Acetate of Morphia, one grain. Oxymel os Squilis, two drachm S. Syrup os Lemons, Murteen drachmS. Mix, and malae a linctus, of Whicli let the patientὶ take ateaspoonsul at bed time, and as osten as the cough is very
Mix, and divide into taeelve pilis. Let the patient) take one three times a day With each doseos the mixture. Tahe of Mercurous Chloride Calomelin, Whi te Sugar, of each one grain and a halfRub weli together so as to malae a very sine poWden Send