장음표시 사용
Time may be expressed in the plural Without a qualis, ing
cibum, paStum, cibos, affer meais. meridsem, a furnoon. prandium, a re diu eri sedes singulas liquIdas, affer eata Dose motion Postύa, asermaris.
Ter die, ter in die, or ter de die, thrice a da mTer quaterve die, three oriour times a di . Triduum, Gree da s time. Per triduum, during three dos. Tum, tunc, Men. Ubi, etohen I also adverb os Place, ωhere.
Neighis and Meas ures to be piat in tiae ACcusative Whengoverned by an active verb, as Captat, Recipe, Sumat. Libra medicinalis Continet uncias Sedecim. The medicaIsound contains Staseeu 9IIIJ S.
plenum, ampla, Cochlearia duo magna, i imo rabiesroonfuls Sj).
Parvulum, AIso Cochleare infantis, a chil is Noonsul. Cochleatim, O sgoonfuis.
Plurat. De kagrammata, heclogrammata, hil 5grammata. These multiples are denoted by Greeh words.
Gr. XX., grana Viginti m scrupulus. Tetoen in gratus, Gual one Scruste.
, i graui pars quarta. grani quadrans fgen. quadrantis .
A quarter of a grata. Villi Accusative aster Recipe. Recspe Partem quartam, i grani quadrantem, Tale a quar er of a grain. Gr. l, grani tres quadrantes. Three quartirS V a grain. Gr. l, grani pars terisa. One Vird os a gratu. Gr. grani partes teri spe duae. Tmo thi Es of a g ain. Gr. grani pars Sexta. One statis of a gratu.
WEIGHTS AND MEAS URES. Ir. grani partes quintae tres. 7 ree risus os a gratu. Whenever the sigia R precedes, the fractional part natist bein the Accusative, a Cording to the rule Stated. R grani partem Sextam gr. b). Tahe one SA δε of a grain. R Extracti Hyoscyami grani quadrantem gr. Taste a quarter of a grais of Extrare of Ocnbane. R grani partes tertias duas gr. l . Tale imo Miris ofa gratu. R grani partes septimas treS gr. M. Tale three Seventas os a gratu. Gutta, M. f. SubS., Ist decl. , a dros git.). The terms gutta and guttae plur.) are constantly used in their ordinary meaning of a drOP, or drops. Adde olei Lavandulae, guttam. Adae one aeres of OV of Lavender. R Olei Crotonis, guttaS quattior. Tale fur drops of Croton Oil. Guttae triginta, Mir9 drops hay a Davoonsul. Sixty drops are expressed by the sigra Jj cochleare mini
These subdivisions are denoted by Latin Words Decem, Io; Centum, ICO; Mille, I, O OO . Minimum, j. n. SUbS., and deCl. , a minisu. Minimum is a more accurate and desinite term than Gutta, a iuros, whicli lat ter must necessari ly Vary. MOdluS, li. m. SubS., and de Cl. , a pec vame Gub fuid. Modium is generalty not an Accusative Case, but the Gen. Plur. Contraction os Modiorum. AS in the classi CS, virum contra ted for Virorum.
Pilillae pendentes grana quatuor. TUA melisin fur gratus. Fiat massa, pendens draChmas duas. Male a man weighing mo drachms. Pondus Civile, avo, fusois mellt. Pondus medicinale, apothecaries' mestri Pondus specificum, specisc gravi P. Pondera specifica, specisc gravisses. Expressed generalty thuS :-Ut Sit pond. Spec. - X. Pugillus, i. m. Subs., and decl. , as M. Continentat: German chiei ly, and popular Englisti. JSCIUI UlUS, i. m. SubS., and decl. , a scruste meno gratus Ρj).
Drachma medicinalis Continet Scrupulos tres. Yfe medicat i ac Du consa S three scrus S.
Secundum thermometrum Centi partitum, deTrees Ceustrari. Omnes caloris gradus in hac editione secundum thermometrum Centi partitum indicati sunt. ΑΓ deIrres of hear in this edi ion are indicaud accor ing to Me Cens, Irade Vage. Uncla, M. f. SubS., 1 Si deCl. , an ounce Sjὶ
Donec alvus Commode purgetur, untii susscient action on theboweis has Ialen flare. Ad alvum ossi si immemorem eXCItandam, Io overcome the Do