장음표시 사용
Selves more an more, an higher reWard Were
Mymeighbour, Lord Ossin ton then Spealier, tot me thathe et Leech o the ait, an expresse to hi the liope that he Moyed in his or some of the gratification whic it
almos angrily neve thinhing, in his unselfistinessan tende forethought for his friend that he himselfwas a much in nee of est buto trove and pleade in vain. There as a rea Opportunity; he had rilliant offers he ould Certaini Come,
brother, the Choolmate of his boyhood, the clites friend of his anhood, Thackeray, diest He oldΜillais of his presentiment, that he also hould die
whicli I rea to m litile floch, in the sirst lessonis All ainis Da But the ouis of the righteous are in the hand of God, and there hallis torment touChthem. In the Sight of the unWise, the Seeme todie; and thei departure is taken or miSery, and theirgoing rom us tot ulter destructio : ut the an in Teuce
photography, and iis Wn exceedin beaut have made amous-is the ouse of toney ood, Murmiles sto the ea. It was for many generations the propert of the Lord Frage of Muchalis, noWCasile Frager, ne of the nobies of the any noble
architect has est so an memorial of the statelylis of thei Strong-braine masters, and of his ownquit singula geniuS O design. StoneyWood a purchased ear the lose of the
sisteenth century froin the Lor Frage of that inae, by Joh Moiri Elion, ho had soldais W estate, as tradition telis, in the folloWin Way:-Ballie Gordon, a wealthy Edinburgh mercliant, made abargain illi the Lair of Elion, hen in his Cups, to et his state at a price greatly unde iis alve. The country soth, ho lamented the passing Way of the old family, and resente the trich of the ballie, relieved thenaselves by pronouncin thei heaviest malediction, and prophesying om nea an terribie jud ent. Stranget enough, the Curse, in the post
Gabrier Road in Edinburgh derive iis ame
Gabriel asin preacheri licentiate of the irh, employed a domestic tutor in a gentieman's fami lyin Edinburgh, here he had for pupils Wo sine boyso eight o ten ear of age. The tutor entertained,
it Seems, Sonae partialit for the Abigail of thechildren' mother, an it so appened that ne os his pupiis observe him his the iri ne da in paSsing through an anterOOm, here he a Sitting. The litile fello carrie this interestin piece of intelligence to his rother, an both of them mentione it by Way of a good johe to thei mollier thesam evening. Whether the ad hau droppe someliint of hat he had ear to her maid, or hethersite ad done so to the reacher himself, I have notlearned; ut socii as, that he mund he had been discoVered, and by What means also. The dea os havin been detecte in suci a trivia trespas Wasenoum to Oison or ver the spirit of this juvenile Presbyterian is hole oul ecam fissed illi theblaches demons os age, andae resolve to sacrificet his indignation the instruments of ha heconceived to e so deadi a disgrace. It was Sunday, and after goin to the churchlas usual with his pupiis, he led them ut o Wal in the Countryso the round n hicli the e Tow of Edin