장음표시 사용
the e Register Ossice bulldings.
another, an purChased Muchalis, it Lor havinggo into difficulties. The ad of the Casile, loath,
prelate mus have come a Stili more rectous reliC,
long reserve in the family, and whicli is norubefore us, the Bible hicli the oomed in putinio the and of the Bisho on the cassold, Withthe wor Remember. havin besoreliandoahen filiis Cloah and presente i and the insignia of the Garte to the fame laithlal minister and Dieno 'his is
the nam o Margaret Grant, o Commi Various thesis, illi the assistance of a paramour, ho
dissiculi reasure o deat with, it hein generally
in disposing of his counter it Bible to the Ear os
Fiserior a large sum o money, and in hos libraryit no figures as in Charies' Bible, hile theorigina stili rem ain in the possession of the representative of the famil to hom it descende byinheritance, an in iis appearance bears ampletestimon to iis authenti ity. 'To go ac to toneywood. The Lair is noWthere his eides son, ames, has marrie Jane, eidest aughter of Ershine of ittoderie, and theyoun bride has ot rom her mollier a green sithpurse illi a thousand merks in t anu the injunction
was in the secret of the thes and the re over of the purge o the lai Jay, he was as incorruptibi everasterward a is r. Gladstone illi Our large purSe. This olin Gunn was ne of thos no eXtinctfunctionaries lio, ille the piper, ere the i longservant of the ouse, laim in osten orne indredwith the clites, and with entire fidelit an indeed abjec submission minglin a familiarity manyamusing instances of hicli are ive in ean Rams ' book, and by is Stirlin Gratiam. Jolin though oor, ad Come o genti biood, the
'Ve ali remember Sir alter' song doubiless, like a saltant hairshon, ou Joh Gunn was in superior person, butthere mus have been much of the fame fierce, perilous stuss in him, and the fame fine incoheren ce in his transactions :-
in height, and of a reat spirit. As his grandlather
fixe on ad Christian, aughter of the Ear of
fallier an fallier agree to his marriage, unde a singula condition the bul of the renis ere etiled in annuit o the Wo seniors, and the State madeove to the ounclair in De-simple. The seniors
besore the est in the early morninito make ready thebrealitast, he ound e Cousin there alon theymade good se of thei time, e may be Sure, and the cruei myster about the letters was ali Clearedip. James and Thomas neve me tit the were bothon the verge of the grave the old me embraced, sorgivin and OrgiVen. The lovers ere marrie at Ardros in September 174o, and the Came to toneyWood, here urster old ad gloomedipo them in her displeasure, an soon est them, o sive in Aberdeen, Speahingio her son a Church, ut neve once noticin his