장음표시 사용
WE have had severat o Landseer's best pictures
calis it his mi ighty heart. -it is the gran amount of the intelligenee, refinement, and goodnes of the wholoepeople. e therefore domo despatriflavinga visit of the Venus de Medici or of the Dying Gladiator, or even the entire Tribune of Florence, With it riches an getling ticheis stom r. Hil or tr. Crichton that the are o vie' and thus seeingi ou own auld Reehie What has so long entrancedthe worid. This picture of Sir Edwin's is remarhable in severat respecis cit is ver large cit is twentyyears old it gives us a Curious means of udging of hisyoun an his present style, an seeing o he is the fame and yet disserent i has the gran Englisliquatification faeing orth 65Ooo, or 62OO Iearat 4 per Cent. and est os ali it is a trul great and honest picture By honest, e mea that the painter does his par in truth an honour, o Enhing of dissiculties, o fissing up ut of the I ber-rOOm fother people' odd and ends, calle his imagination his is the truthi ut loving stud of nature This picture bears this ut in very part anxit is orth remarhingiliat eing of so large a sige, he had the ready temptation to generalise' and aint for effect Buthe love nature an honest and himself too et to
theleginning of lis and of art. There heias reached the domati of the shapin spirit o imagination; 'he has o the flower in summer e causeae planteuthe eed in pring and herished the plant. We illiso describe this picturae it does that foriiself. The entire scene' trihes S a Wonderillyreat That Wild place, ut of the reach probabi forage of anything ut a bird, a Inoonbeam, o a light- ning trohe, is ille at iaceo ou eyes illi the interes of eath, lise, human sympathy, and thegrande uris nature. Vothea the gruss honest fellos, with his and some face, his ronare hair, et With exertio an his speahin hand shouting ut in Gaelic sto in his mouili, an in the universa language
anxiouMeye, an trumpet and ho sar bove imis his audience, and the thorough-bre deerhound, happy an Contente even in iis suffering sorte hasgo his genti head o the breas of his master, hois his Od. et ii reader mar the lusit of iis shin through the hair, as indicating the fierCe race, and horucit tali is drawn in bysain and terror; ut thereis noeendis admiring It is humanel and beautifullymanaged that the the two re qui te dea and atrest it is a true ouch of nature to leave the light springi deerhound alone alive of the three. e
the do ver different heia the meet them in reallise, except the be themselves in the ase)-would say on Seeing this picture, Oh l hochinil hat horri sight Bloo an longues What a horridman Landseer must est et us analys the dear Creature' horror. It is her m gain tale F thatis horrid, it is notae Deling so the animais It is the Same sorti dis herio the figlit that aiaxsmellcauses to the nose, it has ille belle incit tha this.
b himself, sitiingio m at his plano, asci he wereat his ownireside, an havin his in Home with
viniit out the tahiniit in or ather i is o persecti expressed that ou reacti it ascit ere immediately, and et to iis life and out at nCe, and straight. Much of this arises rom his quiet, simple, sensibi face an manner. He nos that he is a
Clever, o the les executive, rilliant, Subile, penetrating, delicate, firm and p to impossibie
delicious, ho miraculous Lam ' Anxit is his possession of his theme, an his seislossession in thebeSt SenSe that mahes ne great secret of his playing ;it is no les unaffecte an to the oint oni muchmore delightful than the talk of our an os usi-ness. Then hink of the est an satisfyin play of the ind of the diversio in iis true meaning of the many adeditnds, and heau and wear hearis, and